October 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1) Pledge of Allegiance
I.A.2) Roll Call
I.B. Approval of Agenda
I.C. Audit Presentation
I.C.1) 2022-23 Financial Audit Results: Maner Costerisan will present the results of the 2022-23 Eaton RESA Annual Financial Audit.
I.D. Action Item
I.D.1) 2022-23 Financial Audit Results: Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, is requesting that the Board approve the 2022-23 Financial Audit by Maner Costerisan.
I.E. Audience Participation
I.F. Action Items
I.F.1) Consent Agenda
I.F.1)a. 9/27/23 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
I.F.1)b. Personnel Report
I.F.1)c. Board Bills and Disbursement Report
I.F.2) Travel Requests
I.F.2)a. Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) Conference: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting Board approval for the Assistive & Instructional Technology Consultant and the Augmentative & Alternative Communication Consultant to attend the ATIA Conference in Orlando, Florida, from January 24-26, 2024. The conference will provide our consultants with a learning opportunity to deepen knowledge, skills, and network with leaders in the field of assistive technology. It will also allow the consultants to bring back best practices to share with our local districts in service to students. Costs are included in the budget.
I.F.3) Headstream Technologies Memorandum of Understanding: The Superintendent is requesting authorization from the Board to execute an agreement between Headstream Technologies and the District for the purpose of implementing a statewide Learner Wallet Pilot. Eaton RESA will deploy 27o funds to Headstream Technologies upon the receipt of an invoice throughout the duration of the grant. The agreement is from October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.
I.F.4) 2024 Summer Tax Levy Resolution: Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, is requesting that the Board approve the 2024 Summer Tax Levy Resolution before the December 31, 2023, deadline. This allows Eaton RESA to continue collecting fifty percent of the taxes in the summer and fifty percent in the winter from 7 of its 32 taxing units as done previously.
I.F.5) 2023-24 Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) Agreements: Jennifer McCaffrey, Early Childhood Director, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute the 2023-24 GSRP agreements for implementation of GSRP classrooms from October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024, with the following partners.
I.F.5)a. Eaton Rapids Public Schools: Total allocation of $415,066 for 48 slots
I.F.5)b. CACS Head Start: Total allocation of $233,475 for 54 GSRP/Head Start blend slots
I.F.5)c. Gilden Woods, Learning Care Group: Total allocation of $138,356 for 16 slots
I.F.6) Meadowview School Donation from Goodwill Industries: Dr. Sarah Parker, Director of Meadowview Programs and Technical Assistance Monitor, was presented with a check in the amount of $2,500 from Goodwill Industries. The funds will be used for staff development and student needs. As per Board Policy #7230, this donation requires acceptance by the Board of Education since it is in an amount larger than $500. Dr. Parker is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to accept this generous donation.
I.F.7) 2023-24 Ingham ISD Special Education Service Agreement: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute an agreement with Ingham ISD for a 0.05 FTE Audiologist and a 0.5 FTE School Social Worker for the 2023-24 school year in an amount not to exceed $39,938.
I.F.8) Maple Valley Schools Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Representatives: The Maple Valley Schools Board of Education recommended that Erica Romero and Brian Graham be appointed to serve on the Eaton RESA Special Education Parent Advisory Committee at their Board meeting on June 12, 2023. Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is recommending that the Board approve these appointments to the PAC.
I.G. Information Items
I.H. Board Member Reports & Requests
I.I. Correspondence
I.I.1) Upcoming Events
I.I.1)a. MASB 2023 Delegate Assembly, November 9, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., Lansing Center
I.I.1)b. Regular Board Meeting, November 15, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., Eaton RESA
I.J. Adjournment