February 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1) Pledge of Allegiance
I.A.2) Roll Call
I.B. Approval of Agenda
I.C. Audience Participation
I.D. Action Items
I.D.1) Consent Agenda
I.D.1)a. 1/30/2025 Special Board Meeting Minutes
I.D.1)b. 2/5/2025 Special Board Meeting - Superintendent Evaluation Minutes
I.D.1)c. 2/5/2025 Special Board Meeting - Superintendent Evaluation Closed Session Minutes
I.D.1)d. Personnel Report
I.D.1)e. Board Bills and Disbursement Report
I.D.2) Student Disciplinary Action - Request for Due Process Consideration: Dr. Sean Williams, the Superintendent, is requesting that the board make a disciplinary determination for Meadowview student in accordance to Section 1331a of the Michigan School Revised School Code and Eaton RESA Board Policies 5605, 5610.01, 5610.02, and 5611.
I.D.3) Department of Health and Human Services School Health: Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness & Prevention Services, is requesting the authorization of the contract amendment with The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for the renovation costs of the School-Based Health Clinic at Grand Ledge High School in the amount of $250,000, the renovation of the space for the East Lansing School-Based Health Center in the amount of $350,000, and the implementation expenses for the East Lansing School-Based Health Center in the amount of $275,000. The original contract supported by the Board was for $275,000 and is being increased by $875,000 for an amended total of $1,150,000
I.D.4) Out of State Travel - Partners in Prevention Conference: Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness & Prevention, is requesting board approval for her to attend the Partners in Prevention Conference as a presenter in Tennessee. All costs will be paid by the Tennessee Certification Board for Addiction Professionals.
I.D.5) Out of State Travel - LGTBQ School Justice and Leadership Conference: Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness and Prevention, is requesting board approval for Christina Holmes and Alyson McClintock to attend the LGBTQ School Justice & Leadership Conference in Las Vegas, NV. The estimated costs are $3,655 with an estimated $1932 reimbursed by the MEA for organizational representation. The remaining $1,732 will be paid for with grant funds.
I.D.6) Adult Education - Program Update/Student Handbook Update: Nathan Leale, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services, will share program updates. Additionally, the Adult Education Handbook has been updated. We ask the board review and vote for approval of the updated version.
I.D.7) A to Z A to Z Speech Therapy Contract: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute a contract not to exceed 1,477 hours, for a maximum amount of $118,188, with A to Z Speech Therapy to fill 2.6 FTE Speech and Language Pathologist vacancies due to maternity leaves. The contract will provide school services for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year.
I.D.8) Playground Resurfacing: Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance and Operations, is requesting board approval for playground resurfacing. The District has been exploring alternative surface options for the large playground behind the building. The existing surface of wood chips makes it difficult for mobility equipment to navigate through the playground. We are requesting that the board approve Midwest Recreation Products in Allendale Michigan installing Pour in Place surfacing. The cost will be $205,064.70 with pricing based on the Omnia joint purchasing contract, which satisfies the bid requirement, only board approval is needed. The timeframe for completion is May 2025 to August 2025.
I.D.9) DECA State Conference: Margo Hazelman, Career Preparation Center Principal, is requesting Board approval for a Student Services Coordinator/DECA Advisor and another Eaton RESA CPC staff member to chaperon 9 students from the Eaton RESA DECA Chapter who are eligible to compete at the state conference in Detroit, Michigan, from March 13-15, 2025. Estimated costs of $4000 include registration, hotel, and busing.
I.D.10) Superintendent Evaluation: Based on the self-evaluation and evidence provided by the Superintendent to the Board and the Board's completion of the Superintendent's annual evaluation on February 5, 2025, the Board has reached consensus on an overall annual performance rating of Effective for Dr. Sean Williams. Beginning July 1, 2024, Effective is the highest rating allowed under MCL 380.1249b
I.D.11) Amended Contract of employment for Superintendent: As a result of MCL 380.1249b and contract language recommendations made by the Office of Retirement Services and the Michigan Association of School Administrators, the Board President is recommending the approval of the amended 2024-2029 superintendent contract
I.E. Presentations (to be presented during the meeting between Action Items)
I.E.1) Career and Technical Education - Lebedintsev/Hazelman
I.F. Information Items
I.F.1) 2024-25 Budget Revisions: This is the first budget amendment for the 2024-25 fiscal year. If needed, a second revision will be done in the May/June timeframe. Action to approve the amended budgets will be requested at the March meeting.
I.G. Board Member Reports & Requests
I.H. Correspondence
I.H.1) Upcoming Events
I.H.1)a. Regular Board Meeting, March 19, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., Eaton RESA
I.H.1)b. Regular Board Meeting, April 16, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., Eaton RESA
I.H.1)c. Eaton CASBA Meeting, April 24, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., Eaton RESA
I.I. Adjournment