November 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order by presiding officer and roll call by minute clerk.
2. Declaration of quorum by presiding officer.
3. Discussion: Any individual wishing to address the board on any item appearing on the agenda shall sign in with the board clerk prior to the start of the meeting. The president of the board will then acknowledge only those individuals whose names are listed to address the board concerning any item appearing on the board agenda. (BED-R.
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Approve minutes of the October 5, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.
4.2. Approve Treasurer's Report
4.3. Approve Activity Report
5. Approve Encumbrances
6. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Fundraiser requests.
7. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table board meeting dates for 2024.
8. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Career Tech contract for the 2023-2024 school year.
9. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the use of facilities by basketball groups.
Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the District's Mental Health policy (EJF). |
11. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the District's Bullying policy (FNCD).
12. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table a $1500.00 stipend for Brandi Ingram as the Homeless Liaison.
13. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the creation of an E-Sports coach/sponsor.
14. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the creation of an Outdoor Sports coach/sponsor.
15. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table an additional $500,000.00 of coverage available through State Bank of Wynnewood for non-payable warrants/payments for the 2023-2024 school year.
16. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Byron Mooney as the person who can draw on the additional coverage available at The State Bank of Wynnewood for non-payable warrants/payments.
17. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the following as football gate workers:
18. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the surplus of 55 discontinued/decertified football helmets.
19. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table renaming Activity sub-account #933 from ACT In-school to HS Counselor Student Needs and transferring $122 from account #959 to #933.
20. Proposed executive session in accordance with Oklahoma State Law-Section 528-B-1 for the purpose of discussing: (1) The part-time employment of Stephanie McQuilliam for student transport. (2) The discussion of employment of remaining unassigned coaching duties. (3) The discussion of the employment of all coaches.
20.1. Vote to convene into Executive Session
21. Compliance statement by presiding officer that nothing was discussed in executive session other than the items on the agenda and that no action was taken.
22. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the part-time employment of Stephanie McQuilliam for student transport.
23. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table a Head Track coach.
24. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table an Assistant Track coach.
25. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table a Head HS Slow Pitch coach.
26. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table a Head JH Slow Pitch coach.
27. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table a Powerlifting coach.
28. New Business
Under this item, the Board can consider and vote on any business that could not have beenforeseen or known about at the time the agenda was posted. |
29. Superintendent Report
30. Adjourn