September 28, 2023 at 12:00 PM - Owasso Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Due Process Hearing for Teacher Essence Fields
III.A. Statement of procedures by the Board President
III.B. Opening statement by Superintendent, or her designee or representative
III.C. Opening statement by teacher, or her designee or representative
III.D. Presentation of Superintendent’s witnesses and evidence, followed by cross-examination of witnesses by teacher, or teacher’s designee or representative
III.E. Questions by Board members
III.F. Presentation of teacher’s witnesses and evidence followed by cross-examination of witnesses by Superintendent, or the Superintendent’s designee or representative
III.G. Questions by Board members
III.H. Presentation of rebuttal and surrebuttal witnesses and evidence as necessary
III.I. Closing argument by Superintendent, or her designee or representative
III.J. Closing argument by teacher, or her designee or representative
III.K. Consideration, possible motion and vote on motion to go into executive session, as authorized by Okla. Stat. tit. 25, § 307(B)(1) to deliberate on the recommended dismissal of Essence Fields
III.L. Acknowledge Board's return to open session
III.M. Statement by President regarding minutes of executive session
III.N. Motion and vote on motion by Board to accept or reject the Superintendent’s recommendation of dismissal of Essence Fields and recitation of findings of fact upon which the decision is based
IV. Motion and vote on motion to accept any employee resignations that have been submitted since the last Board of Education meeting.
V. Board to consider and take possible action on the Agreement with Village Travel for transportation to a Solution Tree Workshop in Little Rock, AR for the 2023-2024 school year at a cost of $3,920.00 as outlined in the attachment and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the Agreement
VI. Board to consider and take possible action on a contract with Crossland Construction for construction management services for the Hodson Elementary Safe Structure addition at a cost of $21,380 for pre-construction work and a set fee of 3.5% of work after the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) is set, as outlined in the attachment and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the contract
VII. Executive Session
VIII. Consideration, possible motion and vote on motion to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing the purchase of real property as authorized by Okla.Stat.Tit.25§307(B)(3)
IX. Acknowledge Board's return from executive session
X. Statement by President regarding minutes of executive session
XI. Vote to Adjourn