May 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order
A.1. Meeting is governed by the Nebraska Open Meetings Act as posted.
A.2. The ESU 13 Board reserves the right to rearrange the order of the agenda.
A.3. The ESU 13 Board reserves the right to convene an executive session in accordance with § 84-1410.
B. Excuse Absent Board Member(s)
C. Approval of Agenda
C.1. Consent Action Items
C.1.a. Minutes of meeting (April regular meeting)
C.1.b. Treasurer’s Report
C.1.c. Fund Balance
C.1.d. Budget Report
C.1.e. Claims for Disbursement
C.1.f. Approval of Certified Staff Hire(s)
C.1.f.a. Taylor Ben - School Psychologist
C.1.g. Approval of Certified Staff Resignations
C.1.g.a. Angela Borgmann - Early Childhood Special Educator
C.1.g.b. Sarah Cardona - SPED Teacher
D. Calendar
E. Public Forum:
Time limit for each person is three (3) minutes; no response or action taken by the Board.
F. Reports
F.1. Strategic Priority #5 - ESU 13 will invest in the wellbeing and potential of our staff with the purpose of creating an environment of emotional safety and employee connection.
Dr. Katie Carrizales and Nici Johnson will update the Board members about the progress of Strategic Priority #5.
F.2. Head Start Director's Report, Policy Council, and Financial Reports
F.3. Administrator's Report
F.3.a. Administrator Professional Learning
F.3.b. ESUCC Updates
F.3.c. Nebraska Smart
This past semester, we partnered with the Nebraska State College System to provide information about their NebraskaSMART program. This is a free tutoring service that is staffed by preservice teachers and accessible to any school within ESU 13. We had students from 11 public and 4 non-public schools utilize this. The area of greatest access was math. This will continue into the fall and there are plans for additional marketing to ensure that all families are aware of it.
F.3.d. Nebraska Cybersecurity Network for Education
The NCNE is a sub organization of the Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council, and currently supports ESUs 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16 and 17 and all their member school districts.
F.3.e. Administrator Vacation
F.3.f. Facilities Updates
The bus barn is complete and will house vehicles out of the elements this summer. The siding and roof repairs have been completed. The sidewalk replacement project will begin in June.
F.3.g. 2024-2025 Core Service Funding
The 2024/25 ESU Core Services & Technology Infrastructure Certification figures were released. ESU 13 will be receiving $938,710.29 for the 24/25 fiscal year. This is an increase of $19,644.49.
F.4. Board Committee Reports
F.5. Board Member Comments
G. Business
G.1. Proposed Amendment to Article 4, Section 4 - First Reading
An amendment to Article 4, Section 4 - Fitness for Duty is being presented as first reading:
Employees are required to disclose orally or in writing any medical restrictions that limit their ability to perform the essential functions of the assigned position to their supervisor or the Administrator and are to request a meeting with the ADA/504 Coordinator (ESU #13 Human Resources Manager) to discuss the provision of reasonable accommodations. |
G.2. Proposed Amendments to Article 4, Section 5 - First Reading
Proposed amendments to Article 4, Section 5 - Standards of Conduct are being presented as first readings:
A3 - Drug-Free Work Place As a condition of employment, employees will abide by the ESU #13 drug-free workplace policies and notify the Administrator or designee of any criminal drug statute conviction D. Civility Uncivil behaviors are any behaviors that are physically or verbally threatening, either overtly or implicitly, as well as behaviors that are coercive, intimidating, violent, or harassing. Such interactions are prohibited in all forms of communication, including telephone conversations, voice mail messages, face-to-face conversations, written communications, social media, and email messages. E. Professional Boundaries Between Employees and Students The following non-exclusive list of actions will be regarded as a violation of the professional boundaries that employees are expected to maintain with a student:
3.c. Telework is not designed to be a replacement for appropriate child care. Although an employee’s schedule may be modified to accommodate childcare needs, the focus of the arrangement must remain on the employee’s job description and work agreement.
G.3. Proposed Amendments to Article 4, Section 6 - First Reading
Proposed amendments to Article 4, Section 6 - Safety are being proposed as first reading:
B. Safety Committee It is the intention of the Safety Committee at ESU #13 to assist employees and administration in providing a safe working atmosphere in the job tasks and service provided to clientele. The committee does not possess any authority in making decisions with regard to budget, employee discipline, repairing or replacing facility equipment or structures, nor does the committee take responsibility for employee Functions of the ESU #13 Safety Committee include:
G.4. 2024-2025 ESUCC Master Services Agreement (MSA)
The one-year Master Services Agreement (MSA) between ESUCC and ESU 13 for 2024-2025 is being presented for Board approval. The Administrator recommends participation in all the projects. The ones with price increases are listed below:
G.5. ESU 13 Menu of Services for 2024-2025
Every year, we ask our member school districts to evaluate our existing programs and services and offer suggestions for revision and/or expansion to comply with §79-1204: "ESUs shall act primarily as service agencies in providing core services and services identified and requested by member school districts." Feedback from external surveys and annual needs visits to school districts help determine our Menu of Services for the upcoming school year. These have been reviewed by the Member School District Superintendents who recommend the services to the ESU 13 Board for funding.
G.6. Proposed 2024-2025 Student Program Calendars
The proposed 2024–2025 calendars for the LifeLink, Meridian, and Panhandle Beginnings programs are ready for approval.
G.7. Leadership and Classified Staff Compensation for 2024-2025
G.8. Revision and Updated Head Start Policies and Procedures
As per the Performance Standards, we need Board approval of the revised Head Start Policy and Procedures. Revision of Written Plans FC02 (Parent Orientation Packets) and FC17 (Volunteers) were approved by the Head Start Policy Council at their meeting on April 30, 2024.
G.9. Payment Authorization for Vendor Invoices Prior to the Combined June-July Board Meeting.
At the April meeting, the Board approved to merge the June and July Board meetings into one date, which will be June 25th. The Business Office has vendors that will need to be paid between May 22nd and June 24th so that ESU 13 will not be assessed late fees. The vendors are Best Plumbing, Capital Business, DAS State Accounting, Finney's, Legacy Coop, Koke's NAPA, Quadient, Pitney Bowes, Sauder's Automotive, and Frenchman Valley Coop. The payment of these vendor invoices will be ratified at the June 25th Board meeting.
G.10. Authorization of the Administrator to Pay July Bills in Absence of July Board Meeting
The ESU 13 Board of Education will not meet in July. This Board action gives authority to the Administrator to pay July claims. Desira will email Board members a detailed list of claims for July. This action will be ratified at our August Board meeting.
H. Adjournment