January 9, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Governing Board Comments**
II.A. Election of Governing Board President:
II.B. Election of Governing Board Vice - President:
II.C. Reaffirmation of regular meeting dates and sites.
IV. OPENING (Continued)
IV.A. Review, revision and ratification of Agenda
V.A. Superintendent's Report
V.A.1. Updates:
V.B. Assistant Superintendent of Academic Excellence Report
V.B.1. Updates:
V.C. Chief Financial Officer's Report
VI.A. * Personnel Items: Discussion and possible approval on the following personnel Items:
VI.A.1. Requesting approval of staff resignation, retirement, termination notices received by the Human Resources Department: Smith, T., Kenton, J., Johnson, S., Chapman, C.
VI.A.2. Request to hire school counselor at Rice Primary School: Chavez, V.
VI.A.3. Recommendation to hire the following individual to be offered a contract for the remainder of 2023-2024 SY as the 8th Grade Reading Teacher: Cerda, D.
VI.A.4. Requesting approval for an hourly rate increase due to Arizona's minimum rate increase: Athletic game workers, Bordy, H., Black, P.
VI.A.5. Approval of Apache Culture Arts and Crafts Teacher for part-time at San Carlos High School for the second semester of SY 23-24: Kitcheyan, B.
VI.B. Recommending approval for the December 4, 2023, Governing Board Meeting Minutes.
VI.C. Ratification of Expense Vouchers: 2414, 2415
VI.D. Payroll Voucher ratification: 411, 412, 413
VI.E. Disposal of the following:
VI.F. Request approval for an out-of-state trip by Superintendent Dr. Deborah Dennison to attend the National Association of Federally Impacted School's (NAFIS) Winter Board Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico on January 10 - 14, 2024; all expenses are paid by NAFIS.
VI.G. Recommending approval for out of state student travel for San Carlos High School and San Carlos Middle School Students Apache Drum/Dance Group and chaperons to attend the Indigenous Arts and Music Festival on the Big Cypress Seminole Reservation to perform on January 31, 2024, to February 4, 2024.: Begay, R., Allen, J., Johnson, J., Kenton, K.
VII.A. Curriculum and Instruction - Action and or discussion as indicated.
VII.A.1. Action for Plan Approval: Intergovermental Agreement and Renewal of the Johnson 0'Malley (JOM) Application for SY 2023-2024.
VII.B. Business and Operations - Action:
VII.B.1. Approval of FY23 Annual Audits issued on December 30, 2023 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
VII.B.2. Approval of Capstone donation to San Carlos High School in the amount of $17,176.00.
VII.B.3. Approval FY24 November and December monthly budget reports for general ledger and student funds.
VII.B.4. Approval of the FY25 Classified Salary Schedule to include a one-step increase for all classified staff on the salary schedule.
VII.B.5. Approval of the FY25 Certificated Salary Schedule to include a $10,000 increase to the base amount and a 3% increase to the legislative increase to the base.
VII.B.6. Approval of FY25 Miscellaneous Certified Salary Schedule to include a $10,000 increase to the base amount.
VII.B.7. Approval of FY25 Administrative Salary Schedule to include a $10,000.00 increase to the base amount.
VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to A.R.S. 37-431.02, the Governing Board may vote to convene in Executive Session. If authorized by majority vote of the Governing Board, the Executive Session will be held immediately after the vote. The Executive Session will not be open to the public. All persons present at an Executive Session are reminded that A.R.S. 38-431.03 imposes strict confidentiality requirements on discussions that occur in an Executive Session. Generally, such discussions cannot be revealed to non-board members.
VIII.A. Superintendent / Governing Board Goals and Expectations: Positive Working Environment
IX.A. San Carlos High School Board Report
IX.B. Rice Intermediate School Board Report
IX.C. Federal Programs Director Board Report
IX.D. Exceptional Student Services Director Board Report
IX.E. San Carlos Middle School Board Report