November 10, 2020 at 5:30 PM - ESU #1 Board Meeting
Minutes | |
A. Notification of Open Meetings Law
At the beginning of this meeting, Vice President Sally Reinert announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is available at the meeting site and posted online.
The Zoom link for the virtual meeting is: Meeting ID: 965 1196 9366 Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 |
B. Roll Call*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
C. Approve Agenda*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
D. Consent Agenda*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
D.1. Previous Minutes (copy attached)
D.2. Financial Reports
D.2.a. Revenue Report/Treasurer's Report
D.2.b. Cash Summary/Expenditure Report
D.3. Bills for November
D.4. Administrator's Monthly Report
D.4.a. Migrant Education Program Report
D.4.b. ESU#1 & ESU#8 Collaborative Meeting
E. Public Comment
F. Educator Health Alliance Rates for 2021-22
There will be an overall increase of 2.96 percent in premiums next year (2021-22) for the medical and dental insurance plans used by nearly every Nebraska school district, following action by the Educators Health Alliance (EHA), a consortium of three statewide public school groups that manages the plan. Medical insurance rates for active employees will increase 3.06 percent. Medical insurance rates for retirees will increase by 4.95 percent as, for the first time, special services fees will be included in the premium rates for retirees. Dental rates for all employees and retirees will remain unchanged from the 2020-21 rate level.
The single digit increase in premium rates is attributed to several factors, including:
G. Policy Change for Notice of Meeting
A change in Nebraska Law necessitates an amendment in Board Policy (Board Meetings>>Section 6 - Notice of Meeting>>A. Notice to Public). The new language is highlighted.
A. Notice to Public Reasonable advance publicized notice shall be given for meetings that are subject to the Open Meetings Act. The notice shall give the time and place of the meeting and contain an agenda of subjects known at the time of the notice or a statement that the agenda, which shall be kept continually current, shall be readily available for public inspection at the principal office of ESU 1 during normal business hours. The Board will give advance notice of meetings by publishing such notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the ESU's jurisdiction and, if available, on such newspaper's web site. In addition to publishing, the Board may, in its sole discretion, also give advance notice of meetings by posting as an additional means of giving notice to the public. For an emergency meeting, notice shall not be required to be given; however, the Board will complete minutes for such an emergency meeting as required by law. The Board meetings that are subject to the notice requirement include all regular, special, or called meetings, formal or informal, of the ESU for the purposes of briefing, discussion of public business, formation of tentative policy, or the taking of any action of the ESU. The notice requirement does not apply to:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
H. Administrator Evaluation Process
I. Personnel*
I.1. Consider, discuss, and take necessary action on employee contracts and personnel changes.
I.1.a. Resignation(s)
Classified Staff Resignation:
EDN Service Provider Abigail Gustad is resigning effective November 10. |
I.1.b. New Hire(s)
I.1.c. Contract Change(s)
I.1.d. Termination(s)
J. Adjournment
As there were no additional agenda items, Vice President Sally Reinert declared the meeting adjourned at 6:11 p.m.