November 18, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes |
1. Board of Education and Governing Council dinner
2. Board Development 6:15 pm
Michael Booth
2.a. Virtual Meeting Address |
3. Call to Order/Roll Call/Quorum
Tina Eastman
3.a. Pledge of Allegiance
Tina Eastman
3.b. Mission and Welcome
Moffat Consolidated School District #2 exists so that our students have a safe learning environment with unique learning opportunities that prepare them for their future. Welcoming Notes: Welcome to the regular meeting of the Moffat Consolidated School District 2. The board’s meeting time is dedicated to its strategic mission and top-priority focus areas. Your insights are welcomed as part of the Board’s business meeting. “Public Participation” is an opportunity to present brief comments or pose questions to the board for consideration or follow-up. Each person is asked to limit comments to three minutes. The boundaries are designed to help keep the meeting focused and should in no way limit conversations beyond the board meeting.
Tina Eastman
4. Public Comment
Tina Eastman
5. Approval of Agenda
Tina Eastman
6. Announcements
Tina Eastman
6.a. Accomplishments/Recognition/Honors
Student, Staff, BOE
6.a.i. Moffat School District Pre-school Colodrado shines rating
7. Consent Agenda
Tina Eastman
7.a. Approval of Minutes October 18,2024 regular meeting, November 8, 2024 special virtual meeting.
7.b. New Hires, Resignations, Dismissals:
7.c. Approval of Check register
7.d. Approval of US Bank Card Statement
7.e. Directors Reports
8. Superintendent Reports
8.a. Superintendent's Board Report
8.a.i. Superintendent's Board Report
8.b. Monitoring Reports
8.b.i. EL-3 Treatment of Staff
9. Board Reports
9.a. BOCES
Virginia Drake
9.b. CASB
Tina Eastman
9.c. Governing Council
Patte Smith
9.d. Legislative
9.d.i. Ammendment 80 - fails
9.d.ii. CASB Legislative Platform
9.e. Treasurer's Report
Virginia Drake
9.e.i. Board Budget Report
10. Board Policy Work
10.a. GP-3 Board Job Description
GP-5 Chairperson's Role GP-10 Board Member Covenants GP-11 Process for Addressing Board Member Violations |
11. Administrative Policy Work
12. Old Business
Virginia Drake
12.a. Moffat- Mountain Valley cooperation/consolidation discussion-questions
Burning Issues and questions
12.a.i. In this item of the agenda, which is just informal discussion, the BOE should consider any concerns, "burning issues" or "need to know more" questions.
i.e. tax revenue, bonds, elected officials, staff attrition, etc.
These are the notes from the Supt./BOE Presidents meeting
Brady sees not collaboration but consolidation Low #’s, hard to find teachers, students better served with 12-20 students per class. Programs that we can’t currently offer, trades classes There are benefits of putting 2 districts together—bringing communities together, not interested in closing any schools 2 schools with 3 bond issues, and MLO’s Charter school is an outlier Has there been any focus groups on this topic? No but worth looking into No barriers to collaboration, but... Joe proposing a study into the feasibility pros/cons. Looking for grant money to pay for a firm to discuss Next steps: Poll boards and see interest and burning issues Start conversations with two boards Research planning research firms Explore collaboration opportunities Placeholder for Dec. 6 CASB Board meeting - joint meeting with MVSD and MCSD2 |
13. New Business
13.a. Reconciliation of CCS questions
As the Superintendent has shared with you in the Summary Documents on the Financials with CCS, all funds due were paid and all funds transfers are up-to-date and are regularly scheduled. The correspondence coming out of CCS does not reflect progress but rather a repeating of the issues from the beginning to now w/o noted progress. Working with our legal counsel, we have provided CCS with a response that is most accurate and reflective of the great work done by our staff.
13.b. Winter retreat planning
14. Board Self Evaluation
15. Next Meeting
16. Good of the Order
17. Adjounmnent