May 7, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Session
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Amended Agenda
V. Special Recognitions
V.1. Corydon Central High School - Academic Team - Qualified for State Finals in English, Science, & Interdiscipinary - State Competition on May 4, 2019 - Purdue University
V.1.a. State Final Placements
V.1.a.1) First Place - Language Arts
V.1.a.2) Second Place - Science
V.1.a.3) Fifth Place - Interdisciplinary
V.2. Corydon Central Junior High School - Academic Team Placed 9th in the State for Interdisciplinary - Also at Regional Competition Placed 1st in Science & Interdisciplinary
V.3. Alex Lee - Lilly Endowment Scholar Recipient
V.4. US News & World Report - Corydon Central High School Ranked 61st
VI. Student Council Presentations
VII. Special Presentations
VIII. Public Address to the Board
Limited to approximately fifteen (15) minutes as administered by President of the Board.
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.1. Board of School Trustee Minutes - Executive and Regular Sessions - Tuesday, April 9, 2019
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.2. Approval of Claim Docket
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.3. Personnel
IX.3.a. Corporation
IX.3.a.1) Greyson Shartzer - Summer Technology Intern
recommendation to approve employment for summer 2019
IX.3.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
IX.3.b.1) Janet Roberson - Homebound Instructor
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.3.c. Corydon Central High School
IX.3.c.1) Karen York - Assistant Principal
recommendation to approve transfer from certified teacher to assistant principal effective July 1, 2019
IX.3.c.2) Whitney Sauerheber - Summer Agricultural Experience Instructor
recommendation to approve summer employment contingent upon student enrollment
IX.3.c.3) Jason Timberlake - Summer Physical Education Instructor
recommendation to approve summer employment contingent upon student enrollment
IX.3.c.4) Benjamin Spencer - Teacher
recommendation to add (5) additional days to 2018-2019 contract due to summer renovations of shop area at CCHS
IX.3.c.5) Rachel Baelz - High School Newspaper
recommendation to approve employment and approval to pay post facto for the 2018-2019 school year
IX.3.c.6) Rachel Baelz - High School Yearbook
recommendation to approve employment and approval to pay post facto for the 2018-2019 school year
IX.3.c.7) Nathan Broom - 1/3 Varsity Cross Country Coach Men's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.8) Nathan Broom - 1/3 Varsity Cross Country Coach Women's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.9) Daniel Love - 2/3 Varsity Cross Country Coach Men's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.10) Daniel Love - 2/3 Varsity Cross Country Coach Women's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.11) Mark Aaron Humphrey - Varsity Football Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.12) Mark Aaron Humphrey - Summer Football Camp Coach 2019
recommendation to approve employment for summer 2019
IX.3.c.13) Eric Rowland - Varsity Golf Coach Women's
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.c.14) Derek Korte - Varsity Soccer Coach Women's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.15) Mark Smythe - Assistant Soccer Coach Men's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.16) Marcee LaHue - Varsity Track Coach Women's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.17) Allyson Miller - Junior Varsity Assistant Volleyball Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.18) Steven Hall - Activities Supervisor
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.19) Lynn Hall - 1/2 Activities Supervisor
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.20) Gary Pope - High School Chorus
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.21) Frances Ellen Hanaver - High School Drama Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.22) Gary Pope - High School Assistant Drama Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.23) Sue Wiseman - High School Student Council
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.24) Heather Best - Junior Varsity Cheerleading Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.25) Joseph Hinton - Summer Basketball Camp Coach Men's 2019
recommendation to approve employment summer 2019
IX.3.c.26) Dr. Ewing von Schmittou - Volunteer Assistant Football Coach
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.c.27) Karen Feller - Custodian
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
IX.3.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.3.e. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.3.e.1) Rose Rogers - Cafeteria Manager
recommendation to approve resignation for retirement purposes and permission to post vacated position
IX.3.e.2) Kaloni Groudle - Secretary
recommendation to increase hours from 6.5 hours a day to 7.5 hours a day
IX.3.e.3) Jerry Conrad - Elementary 6th Grade Basketball Coach Boys'
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.e.4) Kaloni Groudle - Elementary Cheerleading Coach 5th & 6th Grade
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.f. Corydon Elementary School
IX.3.f.1) Peggy Cook - Cafeteria Manager
recommendation to accept resignation for retirement purposes and permission to post vacated position
IX.3.f.2) Preschool Instructional Assistant
recommendation for permission to post and change position from full time LPN instructional assistant to full time instructional assistant
IX.3.f.3) Jennifer Hartlage - Title 1/Preschool Instructional Assistant
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
IX.3.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.3.h. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.3.i. South Central Elementary School
IX.3.i.1) Kathryn Dixon - Kitchen Helper
recommendation to transfer from part time kitchen helper to full time kitchen helper and permission to post vacated part time position
IX.3.i.2) David O'Connor - Elementary 6th Grade Basketball Coach Girls'
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.3.j.1) Martin Kuerzi Sr. - Varsity Softball Coach (2018-2019)
recommendation as submitted to pay partial payment 40% of stipend due to season cancelled due to low student numbers, but coach did conduct practices before team was dissolved for the 2018-2019 season
IX.3.j.2) John Hurley - 1/2 Assistant Softball Coach (2018-2019)
recommendation as submitted to pay partial payment 25% of stipend due to season cancelled due to low student numbers, but coach did conduct practices before team was dissolved for the 2018-2019 season
IX.3.j.3) Randall Schoen - Varsity Basketball Coach Women's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j.4) Randall Schoen - Summer Basketball Camp Coach Women's 2019
recommendation to approve employment for summer 2019
IX.3.j.5) Randall Schoen - Saturday Basketball Coach Women's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j.6) Gregory Robinson - 1/2 Fall Conditioning Coach
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.j.7) Samuel Mercer - Junior Varsity Basketball Coach Men's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j.8) David O'Connor - Freshman Basketball Coach Men's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j.9) Susan Babcock - Junior High Volleyball Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j.10) Samuel Mercer - Junior High Assistant Volleyball Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j.11) Emily Tostaine - Junior High Cheerleading Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j.12) Karen O'Connor - Junior High Cross Country Coach Boys'/Girls'
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.3.j.13) Susan Babcock - Junior High Student Council
recommendation to approve employment for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.4. Operational Matters
IX.4.a. Corporation
IX.4.a.1) Resolutions of Appreciation
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.a.2) Letters of Reasonable Assurance
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.a.3) Letter of Agency/Authorization - Education Networks of America - Telephone Service
recommendation to approve letter of agency/authorization with Education Networks of America as submitted
IX.4.a.4) Certified Extra Curricular Activities Rehire List for 2019-2020 (additional)
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.a.5) 2019 Fair Privilege Form - Booth Space at Harrison County Fair
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.a.6) Disposal & Transfer of Ownership of Technology Equipment
recommendation to approve disposal and transfer of technology equipment to the Harrison County Parks Department
IX.4.a.7) 2019 Summer Institute - July 29 & 30, 2019
recommendation for attendees to be compensated, teachers at their daily rate for full day attendance and hourly staff at their hourly rate for hours attended
IX.4.a.8) Donation - Tri Kappa - Elementary Art/Nursing - $700
recommendation to accept donation
IX.4.a.9) Student Tracker for High Schools Agreement - National Student Clearing House - School Year 2019-20 - $850
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.a.10) Clinical Affiliation Agreement - Harrison County Hospital - August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020
recommendation to approve clinical affiliation agreement as presented
IX.4.a.11) Clinical Affiliation Agreement - Harrison Springs Health Campus - August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020
recommendation to approve clinical affiliation agreement as submitted
IX.4.a.12) Chromebook Purchase Approval - Trinity3 Technology - $144,780
recommendation to approve purchase of 508 Chromebook devices for student use in the amount of $144,780
IX.4.a.13) Textbook Adoption - Grades K-6 - Houghton Mifflin "Into Reading" Series (Indiana Edition)
recommendation to approve the Grades K-6 reading series "Into Reading" by Houghton Mifflin (Indiana Edition) as presented
IX.4.a.14) Grant Agreement - Harrison County Community Foundation - 2019-20 Evan Bayh Scholars Enrollment Incentive Program (21st Century) - $7,583.37
recommendation to approve grant agreement as presented
IX.4.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
IX.4.c. Corydon Central High School
IX.4.c.1) 2018-19 Memorandum of Understanding for Dual Credit - Ivy Tech Community College - updated April 16, 2019
recommendation to approve updated memorandum of understanding as submitted
IX.4.c.2) 2018-19 Memorandum of Understanding for Dual Credit Professor on Loan
recommendation to approve memorandum of understanding as submitted
IX.4.c.3) Agreement - Casino Party Booking - After Prom
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.c.4) Donation - Delta Dental Foundation - Water Fountain Filling Stations
recommendation to accept donation as submitted
IX.4.c.5) Donation - Harrison County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Inc. - After Prom
recommendation to accept donation
IX.4.c.6) 2019 Boys' Youth Basketball Camp - Grades: Kindergarten through 7th - Monday, June 17, 2019 through Thursday, June 20, 2019
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.c.7) 2019 Girls' Lady Panther Summer Basketball Camp - Grades: 1st through 8th - Monday, June 3, 2019 through Thursday, June 6, 2019
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.c.8) Spring Football - Grades: 6th, 7th, & 8th - February & March 2019
recommendation to approve post facto as submitted
IX.4.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.4.d.1) Fundraiser - Junior High Cheerleaders - Bake Sale - April 20, 2019
recommendation to approve fundraiser post facto as submitted
IX.4.d.2) Fundraiser - Junior High Cheerleaders - Spirit Wear/Stadium Seats - May 6, 2019
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.d.3) Fundraiser - Junior High Cheerleaders - Car Wash - July, Date to be Determined
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.e. Corydon Elementary School
IX.4.e.1) Donation - Pfrimmer's Chapel United Methodist Church - Student Lunch Accounts - $500
recommendation to accept donation
IX.4.f. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.4.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.4.h. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.4.i. South Central Elementary School
IX.4.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.4.j.1) 2018-19 Memorandum of Understanding for Dual Credit - Ivy Tech Community College - updated
recommendation to approve updated memorandum of understanding for dual credit as submitted
IX.4.j.2) Fundraiser/Sponsorship - Law Enforcement Club - Seeking Donations and Sponsorship for Students in the Club
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.j.3) Donation - Lucas Oil Products - Law Enforcement Club - $500
recommendation to accept donation
IX.5. Field Trips
IX.5.a. Corydon Central High School
IX.5.b. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.5.b.1) Overnight Fieldtrip - Jr. High Basketball Team - Basketball Camp - Hanover College - Friday, June 21, 2019 through Saturday, June 22, 2019
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.5.c. Corydon Elementary School
IX.5.d. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.5.e. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.5.e.1) Fieldtrip - 3rd Grade - YMCA Swim Lessons - Corydon, IN - Monday, May 20, 2019 through Thursday, May 23, 2019
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.5.f. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.5.f.1) Fieldtrip - 3rd Grade - YMCA Swim Lessons - Corydon, IN - Monday, May 20, 2019 through Thursday, May 23, 2019
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.5.g. South Central Elementary School
IX.5.h. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.6. Other
X. Unfinished Business
X.1. Motions as the Result of Executive Session
XI. New Business
XII. Superintendent's Communications and Reports
XIII. Board Members’ Communication, Reports and Questions
XIII.1. Invitation to ISBA/IAPSS/IASBO Budget & Finance Seminar - Wednesday, June 12, 2019
XIV. Upcoming Events
XIV.1. Future Farmers of America Banquet - Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 6:30 pm
XIV.2. Corydon Central High School Choral Concert - Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 7:00 pm
XIV.3. South Central High School Decision Day - Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 8:30 am
XIV.4. ISBA Regional Meeting - Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 6:00 pm
XIV.5. Corydon Central High School Decision Day - Friday, May 17, 2019, 8:30 am
XIV.6. SCHS Manufacturing Classes Project Viewing - Sunday, May 19, 2019, 2:00 - 4:00 pm
XIV.7. Corydon Central High School Awards Night - Tuesday, May 28, 2019, 6:00 pm
XIV.8. South Central High School Awards Night - Thursday, May 30, 2019, 6:00 pm
XIV.9. Corydon Central High School Graduation - Sunday, June 2, 2019, 1:30 pm
XIV.10. South Central High School Graduation - Sunday, June 2, 2019, 4:00 pm
XV. Adjournment