November 16, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum, Call to Order
II. Read and approve minutes of previous meeting
III. Audience with individuals/committees making a request.
IV. Superintendent Report
IV.A. Required Board Training in November 30, 2023 with Larry Lee.
IV.B. Next Board Meeting: Several Date Conflicts- Possible Dates
Monday, December 13th or Tuesday, December 14th |
V. New and Miscellaneous Business
V.A. Canvassing the Vote for School Board Of Trustee Election Held
on November 7, 2023. Review and Sign the Certificate of Canvassing Votes. |
V.B. Deliberation and possible action to execute an engagement and
waiver letter with the Underwood Law firm related to its joint legal representation of Coahoma ISD, Forsan ISD, Glasscock County ISD, Grady ISD, and Stanton ISD incident to the possible withdrawal of Greenwood ISD from the 87/20 Special Education Coop and to waive any potential conflicts of interests related to such joint representation. |
V.C. Christmas Pay.
V.D. Election Resolutions, Or Other Forms, If Necessary.
V.E. Bank Depository Extension.
V.F. Ag/FFA Trip Overnight Trips.
V.G. Investment Policy Review.
V.H. Discussion/ Action- Budget Amendments.
V.I. Approval of payment of monthly bills.
VI. Enter into executive session at 7:43 p.m.
VII. Adjourn