May 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Brad Hinton
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Ralph Ramon / Doug Neff
4. Open Forum / Public Comments
5. Statement of Elected Officer
6. Oath of Office
7. Reorganization of the Board/Elect Board Officers
8. Spotlight-Recognize State Qualifiers
9. Spotlight - Teacher Incentive Allotment Designations for 2023-24
Kathy Scott/Morgan Preston
10. Introduce the Chief Academic Officer
Jessica Gore and her family will attend the meeting to meet the Board
11. Academic Update: - Positive Behavior Supports Program Review
Kathy Scott/Dr. Philip Carney
12. Snyder ISD 313 Agreement Update
13. Consent Agenda
Bob Rauch
Action Required
13.A. Minutes from Regular Meeting April 11, 2024 and Special Meeting April 25, 2024
13.B. Accounts Payable
13.C. Financial Reports
14. Action Agenda
14.A. Recommendation to hire Athletic Director
Bob Rauch
I recommend Anthony Gonzales for a two-year term contract.
14.B. Consider and Take Action to approve Amendment #2 for Agreement # 1442, Canyon Wind Farm, LLC.
14.C. Consider and Take Action to approve Amendment #3 for Agreement # 1442, Canyon Wind Farm, LLC.
14.D. Consider and take action to approve offering one year term and one year probationary contracts to current Snyder ISD personnel recommended on the attached list for the 2024-2025 school year.
Bob Rauch
I recommend offering one year term and one year probationary contracts to current Snyder ISD personnel on the attached list for the 2024-2025 school year.
14.E. SISD has been awarded the Strong Foundations Implementation and the Strong Foundations Planning grants from TEA. This provides grant funds to LEAs for technical assistance to support development of instructional frameworks, high-fidelity implementation of the instructional materials, as well as high-quality professional learning (HQPL) for teachers, coaches, and administrators. LEAs are required to use 50% of grant funds to contract with a single provider from the LASO Cycle II State Provider List. Board approval is required for this funding to a state approved provider for technical assistance not to exceed $225,000 which will be paid by grant funds.
Kathy Scott
14.F. Approve an additional $100,000 for Special Ed Services
In August of 2023, $250,000 was approved for Special Ed services for the 2023-2024 year. At the time, it was unknown how much those services would cost. Diagnosticians and Occupational Therapy were not services that were being contracted. It has since been determined that an additional $100,000 may be needed in order to complete the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
14.G. Consider and take action to approve recruitment and retention plan items and stipend schedule
Clay Cade
Administration is prepared to make final recommendations for the recruitment and retention plan. In addition, the non-athletic stipend schedule will be presented for approval.
14.H. Consider and take action to approve board resolution and interlocal agreement between Snyder ISD and Region 10 ESC.
Clay Cade
If the Board votes to approve the administration's recommendation of a 401(a) plan, an interlocal agreement must be approved to move forward with the plan.
14.I. Consider and take action to approve replacing 2 HVAC units at Snyder Primary
Clay Cade
One, 15 ton unit that cools and heats the Snyder Primary gymnasium is out of service. The other unit has had multiple failures this year, and is not able to keep up with the load. We have received quotes ranging from $65,000 to $85,000 to replace these units. Since the cost is over $50,000, board approval is required.
14.J. Tennis court resurfacing, fence repairs, and windscreen repairs
Clay Cade
The tennis courts are due for regular resurfacing maintenance. Upon inspection, most of the chain link fencing is broken and stretched, wearing the surfacing off of the courts in these areas. Additionally, windscreens have torn in most areas. The wind screens were replaced in February of 2017. The current court surface and fencing is original to the facility.
The cost for this maintenance and repairs is $147,324.72, broken down below: Court Resurfacing: $67,840 Wind Screens: $21,996 Fence Replacement: $54,600 COOP Fee - 2%: $2,888.72
14.K. Consider and take action to approve purchase of one route bus
Clay Cade
Annually, $200,000 is budgeted for the purchase of school busses and vehicles. Both blue bird and international have busses that will be available prior to August 31, 2024. I expect to have quotes before the board meeting.
14.L. Consider terminating the Probationary Contract of Maria McKee at the end of the contract period in the best interests of the District
Clay Cade
The Administration recommends that the Board terminate the probationary contract of Maria McKee at the end of the contract period in the best interests of the District.
15. Executive Session (G1-G4)
The Board may go into closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E. Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in an open meeting. |
16. Reconvene from Closed Session
17. Information
18. Superintendent's Report
Bob Rauch
18.A. May Enrollment Comparison
18.B. Donations
18.C. Summer Leadership Institute-San Antonio, Texas June 12-15, 2024
18.D. June Regular Meeting- June 10 or 11
18.E. Retirement Reception-May 14, 2024 4:00 - 5:30 PM Bus Barn Conference Center
18.F. High School Graduation - May 24th at 7:00pm in the Coliseum
19. Adjourn