February 9, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order:
1.A. Roll Call
2. Time for Public Comment:
3. Presentation(s):
3.A. Construction Project Updates - Ramiro Zapata, District Project Manager
3.B. T-STEM Presentation
4. Consent Agenda Items:
4.A. Approval of Budget Amendments for the period ending January 26, 2016.
5. Individual Items for Consideration and Approval:
5.A. Approval of Board Resolution for internal agreement between Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and Edgewood Independent School District for participation in the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Cooperative Purchasing Program [Procurement Card] for 2015-2016.
5.B. Approval to add additional vendors and seek authorization to increase funds that have exceeded the $25,000 threshold for the 2015-2016 school year.
5.C. Approval to purchase cafeteria tables and chairs from J.R. Inc., for Stafford Early Childhood Center at a cost not to exceed $7,813.75, to be funded through Child Nutrition Funds.
5.D. Approval of services with The College Board to provide professional development to AP Teachers in the amount of $ 8,000 to be funded from the GT budget and to score the Advanced Placement exams for high
school students and 8th grade Dual Language students in the amount of $10,000 to be funded from Curriculum and Instruction and GT budget. |
5.E. Approval to purchase student identification supplies from Dual Core/LLC (IDenticard) in the amount of $609.00 to be funded from local funds.
5.F. Discussion and appropriate action on the process for selection of Superintendent, to include the issuance of an RFP for Superintendent/Executive Search Services.
5.G. Approval to allow the Memorial High School Band Boosters to utilize the parking lots adjacent to and across from Memorial High School on April 15, 2016 and April 16, 2016 during the St. Mary's University Oyster Bake.
5.H. Approval of Resolution in Recognition of "National Social Worker Month" during the month of March, 2016.
5.I. Approval of Resolution in Recognition of Texas Public Schools Week "Celebrate Texas Public Schools - Education. It's BIGGER HERE." February 29 - March 4, 2016. .
5.J. Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting on January 19,2016.
5.K. Submission of TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 103 for 2nd reading and approval.
6. Motion to go into Closed Session:
6.A. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter 551, et. seq. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071, §551.072, and §551.04) to discuss the following. No action will be taken in closed session.
6.A.1. New hires and/or changes in contract status of current personnel in order for the Administrative Management Team to make assignments to fill the following positions; subject, however, to the Management Team's authority to make assignments and reassignments of contract personnel in the proposed pay grade ranges offered, (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071 and §551.074).
6.A.1.a. Elementary Assistant Principal - Pay Grade Range AP4 through AP4.
6.A.1.b. High School Counselor - Pay Grade Range AP3 through AP4.
6.A.1.c. Custodian Director - Pay Grade Range AM6 through AM6.
6.A.1.d. High School Assistant Principal - Pay Grade Range AP4 through AP6.
6.A.2. Individuals noted in Personnel Report. [Note: Board action on this item, if any, shall be conducted in Open Session and shall be limited to a decision that requires Board action; otherwise, the Personnel Report is for information only; and, in any event, the Board does not approve transfers, reassignments previously approved by Administrative authority, retirements, and reassignments.] (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071 and §551.074).
6.A.3. Review, Discussion and Consultation with attorney regarding process for and appointment of an individual to fill the vacant Board of Trustees position. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071 and §551.074).
6.A.4. Consultation with attorney regarding the Texas Education Agency Special Accreditation Investigation. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071 and §551.074).
7. Discussion/Action on matters taken up in Closed Session and/or matters listed in Section VI, whether or not items listed therein were taken into Closed Session; and matters listed under Sections IV and/or V, if any, taken into Closed Session under Section VI or otherwise.
8. Administrative/Product Reports:
8.A. Tax Report for December 2015.
9. Information:
9.A. Donations for February 2016.
9.B. Financial Statements for December 2015.
9.C. Overtime Report for December 2015.
9.D. Supplemental Board Report for December 2015.
9.E. Consultant Evaluations Report for December 2015.
9.F. Community partnership Monthly Report.
9.G. Escamilla & Poneck December, 2015 Invoice.
10. New Business:
11. Announcement(s):
12. Adjournment: