March 26, 2007 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order for March 26, 2007.
1.A. Roll Call
2. Time for Citizens. In the event that a quorum of the Board is not present to open the meeting, the Monday session shall thereby be cancelled after a reasonable time in the opinion of the Board members present or, if there is no Board member present, the Superintendent or designee, and agenda items II through III shall be moved to Tuesday, March 27, 2007, immediately following Section V on the Agenda.
3. Motion to go into Closed Session.
If the Board votes to go into closed session, then such closed session shall be held pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the expected specific sections of which are listed herein below; however, the Board may also go into closed session on any agenda item listed in either or both sessions as may be authorized by law, whether or not specified in this Section of the Agenda. The following subjects are expected to be discussed and deliberated in closed session:
3.A. [Section 551.071, Government Code - Consultation with Attorney:] For a private consultation with the Board’s attorney with respect to pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers, and/or on matters where the attorney’s duty to the Board, under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, clearly conflicts with the open government provisions of Chapter 551 of the Government Code, to wit:
3.A.1. Proposed amendment to Policy DCD (Local) - 2nd Reading;
3.A.2. Proposed amendment to Policy DCE (Local) - 2nd Reading;
3.A.3. Proposed Policy EHBL (Local) 1st Reading
3.A.4. Legal issues associated with proposed Plan of Finance for possible issuance of Tax Refunding Bonds;
3.A.5. Legal issues dealing with other agenda items brought into Closed Session.
4. Call Meeting to Order on Tuesday, March 27, 2007, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Edgewood Academy, Recital Hall, 607 S.W. 34th Street, San Antonio, Texas.
4.A. Roll Call
4.B. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
4.C. Academic Spotlight for Hosting Campus: Gus Garcia Middle School
5. Presentation(s):
5.A. Summer School 2007
5.B. Plan of finance related to issuance and sale of EISD unlimited tax refunding bonds, series 2007 and related issues under Agenda item IX (H).
5.C. Conducting and completing award of competitive bid for repurchase agreement investment of Bond 2004-A proceeds under agenda item IX (I).
6. Discussion/Action on matters taken up in Closed Session and/or matters listed in Section III whether or not items listed therein were taken into Closed Session; and matters listed under Sections IX and X, if any, taken into Closed Session under Section III. The Board may also go into Closed Session at this time on any matter on any agenda item listed in either or both sessions as may be authorized by law.
7. Bond Construction Projects Update - Project Management
7.A. Bond Projects Financial Update and Change Order Log
8. Administrative/Product Reports
8.A. Budget/Finance
8.A.1. Tax Report
9. Consent Agenda Items
9.A. Minutes: Regular...February 26-27, 2007.
9.B. Approval of the Budget Amendments for March 2007.
9.C. Approval of the Law Firm of Escamilla & Poneck, Inc. for Professional Services Rendered.
9.D. Approval to proclaim April 2007, as Mathematics Education Month in the Edgewood Independent School District.
9.E. Approval to proclaim April 22-28, 2007, as Administrative Professionals Week and April 25, 2007 as Administrative Professionals Day in the Edgewood Independent School District.
9.F. Approval to proclaim April 23-27, 2007 as National Volunteer Week in the Edgewood School District.
9.G. Approval to proclaim April 2007, Child Abuse Prevention Month in the Edgewood School District.
9.H. Plan of finance related to the issuance and sale of Edgewood Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2007, and authorization to District's staff, Financial Advisor, First Southwest Company, and Bond Counsel, Law Offices of William T. Avila, P.C., to proceed with all matters required to bring back a recommendation for the issuance of such bonds.
9.I. Approval of District's staff, Financial Advisor, First Southwest Company, and District's Bond Counsel, Law Offices of William T. Avila, P.C., to conduct and complete the awarding of the competitive bid for the District's repurchase agreement for investment of the Bond 2004-A proceeds.
10. Individual Items for Consideration and Approval
10.A. Approval of TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 79 excluding policy code EHBL (Local) (Presented for 2nd Reading).
10.B. Approval of Simple Steps to a Healthier Life Agreement between Aetna Intelihealth, Inc. and Edgewood ISD.
10.C. Approval of promotions, transfers, new hires, resignations, retirements and re-assignments for professional contract personnel where Board Action required. [Note: Board action on this item, if any, is limited to those personnel items that require Board action; otherwise, the item is for information only, whether or not the Board approves a motion to approve this item; and, in any event, the Board does not approve transfers, resignations previously approved by the
Superintendent, retirements and reassignments.]
10.D. Approval of Resolution extending the Depository Contract with Bank of America for the District's Depository Banking Services (September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2009).
10.E. Approval to reclassify the Accounts Payable Supervisor position from a Pay Grade 5 to a Pay Grade 6 position.
10.F. Approval to change the Payroll Receptionist/Temporary Para-Professional to Full-time Payroll Receptionist with benefits.
10.G. Approval of Quarterly Investment Report (December 1, 2006 - February 28, 2007).
10.H. Approval to purchase three buses in the amount of $243,915 and designated fund balance in the amount of $243,915.
10.I. Approval by Board for Disposal of Surplus Property as per CI (local) [School Properties Disposal] VIA Auction April 5th through April 18th and until property is disposed.
10.J. Approval to apply for an Annual State Waiver from the Texas Education Agency for a modified schedule on TAKS Testing Days at the high schools for the 2006-2007 school year.
10.K. Approval of the EISD JROTC Cadets to attend Cadet Summer Camp at Camp Bullis, Texas, June 3-9, 2007, for a total of $400 funded locally.
10.L. Approval of the recommended 6-12 Mathematics Textbooks for 2007-2008 school year.
10.M. Approval of Kennedy and Memorial High School Communities in Schools (CIS) students to attend the H.E.B. Foundation Camp in Leakey, Texas on April 20, 2007 through April 22, 2007.
10.N. Approval to accept from the Texas Education Agency additional funds totaling $22,871 for the Life Skills Program for Student Parents (LSPSP).
10.O. Approval to accept TEA's "Texas Education Governor's Excellence" award to benefit Coronado-Escobar Elementary School.
10.P. Approval to accept TEA's "Texas Education Governor's Excellence" award to benefit Stafford Elementary.
10.Q. Approval of proposed adoption of policy EHBL (Local) Special Programs: High School Equivalency (Presented for 1st Reading)
10.R. Approval of purchase order to pay for cyber terrorism investigation and cleanup.
11. Information
11.A. Human Resources Report
11.B. Consultant Monthly Report
11.C. Overtime Report
11.D. Financial Statements
11.E. Active Investment Report
11.F. Vandalism Report
12. New Business
13. Announcement(s)
14. Adjournment