April 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Regular Board Meeting in Session
3. Public Open Forum
4. Recognitions
4.A. Recognition of Kai Trevino Flint Hills Scholarship recipient
Dr. Rick Fernandez, TMISD Superintendent
4.B. Recognition of TMISD Speech and Debate Regional Championship winners in Prose and Poetry
Dr. Rick Fernandez, TMISD Superintendent
5. Discussion / Action Agenda
5.A. Presentation: TMISD Website update
Ms. Trish Panknin, Director of Technology and Digital Learning
5.B. Report: COVID-19 Update
Ms. Ana Elizondo, Director of Staff Services
5.C. Discuss and Consider TMISD Return to On Campus Instruction
Dr. Rick Fernandez, TMISD Superintendent
5.D. Discuss and Consider possible action to approve 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
Dr. Rick Fernandez, TMISD Superintendent
5.E. Discuss and Consider the submittal of the Missed School Day Waiver/Winter Storm Uri
Dr. Rick Fernandez, TMISD Superintendent
5.F. Discuss and Consider the 2021-2022 Allotment & TEKS Certification
Dr. Rick Fernandez, TMISD Superintendent
5.G. Discuss and Consider Second Reading of TASB Policy Update 116 (LOCAL)
6. Consent Agenda - Discussion / Action
6.A. Check Payment Registers
6.B. Financials
6.C. Tax Collection Report(s)
6.D. Enrollment Report
6.E. Minutes of Regular Called Meeting
7. Closed Session
7.A. Board discusses employment of Certified Personnel (551.074)
7.B. Employee Issues and Concerns (551.074)
7.C. Consultation with Attorney regarding grading and related policies (551.071)
7.D. Board discusses employment of High School Principal Applicants
7.E. Board discusses employment of Non Chapter 21 Contracts
8. Action After Closed Session
8.A. Employment of Certified Personnel
8.B. Employee Issues and Concerns (551.074)
8.C. Consultation with Attorney regarding grading and related policies (551.071)
8.D. Employment of High School Principal
8.E. Non Chapter 21 Contracts
9. Adjournment