January 12, 2023 at 11:30 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order/ Welcome
I.A. Record Members Present and Absent
I.B. Invocation
I.C. Consider Agenda (Board Action Item)
II. Introduction of Guests
II.A. Briefings/Recognition
II.B. Public Participation: None
III. Proposed Non-Action Items:
III.A. Superintendent’s Report
III.B. Board Member Reports and Discussion Items (non-action)
IV. Proposed Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern items of routine nature normally approved/accepted at Board meetings, will be approved/accepted by one vote unless any Board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items: |
IV.A. Financial Reports and Recommendations
IV.A.1. Treasurer(s) Reports & Recommendations
IV.A.2. Encumbrance Orders:
IV.A.3. Budget Amendment(s): #7
IV.A.4. Activity Fund/PELL Grant Reports
IV.A.5. Activity Sub-Accounts and Purpose
IV.A.6. Activity Fund Transfers
IV.A.7. Activity Fund Transfers to General Fund
IV.B. Audit Committee Reports & Recommendations
IV.C. Previous Meeting Minutes: December 13, 2022, Special Board Meeting
IV.D. Request(s) for Out-of-State:
IV.D.1. Kristal McCathern
ACTE Region IV Conference Biloxi, MS March 28, 2023 - April 1, 2023 Estimate Cost: $2,136.00 |
IV.D.2. Erica Gay
National Public Relations School Association National Seminar St. Louis, MO July 16-19, 2023 Estimated Cost: $2,266.00 |
IV.E. Date/Time/Place for Next Board of Education Meeting(s): Regular Meeting, Thursday, February 9, 2023 @ 11:30 a.m. SouthernTech Main Campus
V. Proposed Board Action Items:
V.A. Proposed Easement Agreement with Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company
VI. Proposed Personnel Action Items:
VI.A. Proposed Executive Session to Discuss Item VI.C. thru VI.G, In Accordance With 25 O. S. Section 307 (B) (1):
VI.B. Acknowledgment of Board's Return to Open Session
VI.C. Resignation(s)
VI.D. Termination(s)
VI.E. Proposed Employment, as follows:
VI.E.1. Full-Time/Part-Time Personnel:
VI.E.1.a. Maverick McClendon, Part-Time AEFL Instructor, retro to January 5, 2023
VI.E.2. Adjunct Instructor(s):
VI.E.2.a. Olga Helmers, Spanish, effective January 12, 2023
VI.E.2.b. Wendy Kelley, Business & Accounting, effective January 12, 2023
VI.E.2.c. Wendy Phillips, Business & Accounting, effective January 12, 2023
VI.F. Evaluation of Superintendent
VI.G. Proposed Re-employement of Full-Time Personnel:
VI.G.1. Eric Ward, Superintendent
VII. New Business (Per Statutory definition of “New Business”)
VIII. Adjourn or Continue Meeting at a Later Date/Time