August 30, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Special Meeting - Budget and Tax Rate and Board Workshop
Agenda |
I. Call to Order.
I.A. Announcement by the chairman whether a quorum is present and that the meeting had been duly called, and that notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law.
I.B. Board/Superintendent Announcements/Information.
I.C. Oral Communication from the Public.
II. Public Hearing on Budget and Tax Rate for 2021-22.
II.A. Open Public Hearing.
II.B. Receive public input concerning the 2021-22 Proposed Budget and Proposed Tax Rate.
II.C. Close Public Hearing.
III. Regular Agenda.
III.A. The Board will consider approval of the 2020-2021 FY Budget Amendments.
Dr. Joe Waldron, Chief Financial Officer
III.B. The Board will Consider Adoption of the 2021-22 Budgets for General Fund, Student Nutrition Fund, Debt Service Fund and Internal Service Fund.
Dr. Joe Waldron, Chief Financial Officer
III.C. The Board will consider Adoption of an Ordinance Setting the 2021-22 Tax Rate.
Dr. Joe Waldron, Chief Financial Officer
III.D. The Board will consider approval of a Resolution regarding Emergency Paid Sick Leave.
Dr. Joe Waldron, Chief Financial Officer
III.E. Discussion and possible action regarding masking/face covering protocols in Abilene ISD.
Dr. Gustavo Villanueva, Associate Superintendent for Leadership & Student Services
IV. September Workshop.
IV.A. Start of School and Enrollment Update.
IV.B. AISD Board Retreat.
IV.C. 2022-2023 AISD Calendar.
V. Adjournment.