April 16, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, moment of silence
3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Regular Meeting - March 19, 2015
3.B. Training Meeting - April 7, 2015
4. Reports
4.A. Tax report
4.B. Current bills and financial report
4.C. Investment transaction report
4.D. Reconciled bank balance report
4.E. Cafeteria Report
5. Recognition/Correspondence
6. Open Forum/Audience
7. Superintendent's Report
7.A. District Facility Report
7.B. Update on Teacher Housing Project
8. Discussion and Consideration Items
8.A. Public Hearing on the creation of the Regency Field Services Reinvestment Zone pursuant to Texas Tax Code §312.0025
8.B. Public Hearing on the Applications of Regency Field Services LLC (Comptroller Application No: 1030) for Appraised Value Limitations on Qualified Property, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Property Tax Code
8.C. Consider and possible action to adopt resolution creating the Regency Field Services Reinvestment Zone pursuant to Texas Tax Code §312.0025
8.D. Consider and possible action to adopt Findings under the Texas Economic Development Act on the Application of Regency Field Services LLC, in Comptroller Application No: 1030, for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code
8.E. Consider and possible action on Agreement under the Texas Economic Development Act with Regency Field Services LLC, in Comptroller Application No: 1030, for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code
8.F. Consider and possible action to accept the Application of Enterprise Products Operating LLC for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property, authorize the Superintendent to review the Application for completeness and submit to the Comptroller, and authorize the Superintendent to enter into any agreement to extend the 150 deadline subject to Board ratification
8.G. Consider and possible action to retain consultants to assist the District in processing of Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property from Enterprise Products Operating LLC
8.H. Consider and possible action to submit application to TEA for an Early Release Expedited Waiver, a Modified Schedule/State Assessment Testing Days Expedited Waiver, a Staff Development General Waiver, and a Low Attendance Days Waiver
8.I. Consider and possible action on PBT-ISD Letter of Intent Regarding the TEA Pilot Educator Appraisal Project for the School Year 2015-2016 and adopt the TEA Pilot Educator Appraisal Project as the Local Options Appraisal System for the School Year 2015-2016
8.J. Set date to canvass election results for the May 9, 2015 school trustee election
9. Closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, 551.101 et. seq.
9.A. Texas Gov't Code §§ 551.071, 551.074; 551.129: Consultation with legal counsel including possible telephone consultation with legal counsel, as necessary, to address legal concerns, implications, and answer any legal questions regarding posted agenda items
9.B. Texas Gov't Code § 551.074 - Discuss personnel matters, including appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
9.C. Discuss commercial or financial information received from Enterprise Products Operating LLC, and Regency Field Services, with whom the District may be commencing economic development negotiations
10. Open Session, take action, if any, on the items discussed in closed session
10.A. Consider and possible action on professional personnel, including appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
11. Miscellaneous
11.A. Date and time for next meeting
11.A.1. Special Meeting - April 22, 2015
11.A.2. Regular Meeting - May 21, 2015
11.B. Request for items for next agenda
11.C. Tier II Board Training
12. Adjournment