August 15, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, moment of silence
3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Regular Meeting - July 18, 2013
3.B. Budget Workshop - August 1, 2013
3.C. 2012-2013 budget amendments
4. Reports
4.A. Tax report
4.B. Current bills and financial report
4.C. Investment transaction report
4.D. Reconciled bank balance report
5. Recognition
6. Open Forum/Audience
7. Superintendent's Report
7.A. Electrical Issue Update
7.B. Housing
8. Discussion and Consideration Items
8.A. Consider and possible action to repeal all previously adopted policies, adopt (LOCAL) policies and modify FNF (LOCAL) as prepared by TASB Policy Service
8.B. Review Student Handbooks and consider and possible action on Student Code of Conduct
8.C. Consider and possible action on Pre-K Tuition
8.D. Discussion and possible action on teacher appraisal calendar and PDAS appraisers
8.E. Discussion and possible action on Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credits (Netting Chapter 42 Funding)
8.F. Consider and possible action to certify the excess of 2012 debt collections and anticipated collection rate by the tax collector
8.G. Consider and possible action to set date for public meeting to discuss and hear public comment on 2013-2014 budget and proposed tax rate
8.H. Consider and possible action on 2013 certified appraised values for PBT-ISD
8.I. Consider and possible action on calculation of rollback tax rate and effective tax rate
8.J. Consider and possible action on the match contributions for the 403(b) and 457 retirement plans
8.K. Discuss 2013-2014 Budget and committed fund balance
9. Closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, 551.101 et. seq.
9.A. Texas Gov't Code 551.074 - Discuss personnel matters, including appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
10. Open Session, take action, if any, on the items discussed in closed session
10.A. Consider and possible action on professional personnel, including appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
11. Miscellaneous
11.A. Date and time for next meeting
11.A.1. Special Meeting - August 29, 2013
11.A.2. Regular Meeting - September 19, 2013
11.B. Calendar of Events
11.C. Request for items for next agenda
12. Adjournment