December 17, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. District 45 Vision Statement
1.C. Joint Annual Conference Review
1.D. Presentation of the 2023-2024 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report by Lauterbach and Amen, LLP
Mr. Don Shaw, of Lauterbach and Amen, LLP, will present a brief report on the 2023-2024 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Mr. Shaw will be referencing the audit report during this presentation. The audit report can be found in Agenda Item 5B.
1.E. Presentation of 2025 Bond Issuance from PMA Securities
Mr. Jasen Pinkerton, Associate Vice President, Managing Director of PMA Securities, LLC will present to the Board of Education information regarding the 2025 Working Cash Bond Issuance.
2. Comments Regarding Agenda (Would anyone like an Agenda item removed or moved from the Consent Agenda to the Discussion Agenda?)
3. Public Comments (Policy 2:230. Please provide your name and the group you represent, if any. Each speaker shall be limited to three minutes.)
4. Board of Education and Superintendent Comments
5. Action Items (Discussion Agenda)
5.A. Approve District 45 Financial Reports
5.A.(1) Vouchers Awaiting Processing by Comptroller
5.A.(2) Operating Statement
5.A.(2)a) October
5.A.(2)b) November
5.A.(3) Balance Sheet
5.A.(3)a) October
5.A.(3)b) November
5.B. Accept 2023-2024 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education accept the 2023-2024 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
5.C. Adopt 2024 Final Tax Levy
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education adopt the 2024 Final Tax Levy.
5.D. Resolution Calling a Public Hearing Concerning the Intent of the Board of Education to Issue Not to Exceed $3,000,000 of Working Cash Fund Bonds of the District
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Resolution Calling a Public Hearing Concerning the Intent of the Board of Education of the District to Sell $3,000,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds for the Purpose of Increasing the Working Cash Fund of the District.
5.E. Resolution of Intent to Issue Not to Exceed $3,000,000 of Working Cash Fund Bonds of the District
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Resolution Declaring the Intention to Issue $3,000,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds of the District.
5.F. Approve Design Services for the Playground Replacement, Roof Replacement and Restroom Refresh Projects
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the following proposals for design services for the Playground Replacement projects at Ardmore, North, Stevenson, Westmore and York Center Elementary Schools; the Roof Replacement project at Jefferson Middle School; and the Restroom Refresh projects at Ardmore and North Elementary Schools. These projects will occur during the summer of 2025. This proposal serves as a supplemental agreement to the Master Contract with School District 45.
6. Action Items (Consent Agenda)
6.A. Approve Payrolls
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the following:
6.B. Approve Check Listing
6.B.(1) Manual Checks
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the following expenditures:
6.B.(2) Bills Payable
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the following:
6.C. Approve Personnel Changes
6.C.(1) Termination(s)/Resignation(s)
6.C.(2) Appointment(s)
6.C.(3) Leave(s) of Absence
6.D. Approve Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of November 12, 2024
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of November 12, 2024.
6.E. Approve Closed Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of November 12, 2024
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Closed Meeting Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meeting of November 12, 2024.
6.F. Adopt PRESS Policy Draft Updates (2:260, 2:265, 7:185, 7:20, 5:100)
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education adopt the following PRESS Policy Draft Updates: 2:260, 2:265, 7:185, 7:20, 5:100.
6.G. Approve Salary Adjustment(s)
6.H. Approve Updated Camera System
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the CDW-G proposal to upgrade the existing security camera server hardware and software.
6.I. Approve Agreement with ReferralGPS for the Illinois State Board of Education FY25 Stronger Connections Grant Program
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the agreement with ReferralGPS for the Illinois State Board of Education FY25 Stronger Connections Grant Program.
6.J. Approve Agreement with MNA Holdings for the Illinois State Board of Education FY25 Stronger Connections Grant Program
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the agreement with MNA Holdings for the Illinois State Board of Education FY25 Stronger Connections Grant Program.
6.K. Approve Cardiac Emergency Response Plan
It is recommended by the Superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Cardiac Emergency Response Plan.
7. Information and Consideration Items
7.A. Curriculum Update
Ms. Arado
Ms. Chris Arado, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, will provide the Board of Education with a Curriculum Update.
7.B. Review Draft 2025-2026 District 45 School Calendar
Dr. Graber
Dr. Brian Graber, Superintendent, will review with the Board of Education the Draft 2025-2026 District 45 School Calendar.
7.C. Review PRESS Policy Draft Updates (2:105, 2:120, 4:30, 4:60, 4:170, 5:10, 5:20, 5:90, 5:125, 5:230, 6:60, 6:135, 6:270, 7:10, 7:100, 7:160, 8:10)
It is recommended by the Superintendent, Dr. Brian Graber, that the Board of Education review the PRESS Policy Draft Updates as outlined below.
7.D. Strategic Planning Update
Dr. Graber
Dr. Brian Graber, Superintendent, will provide the Board of Education with a Strategic Planning update.
7.E. Regional Office of Education Annual Building Inspection Report
Mr. Eagan
Mr. Jeff Eagan, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, will share the results of the School District 45 building inspections performed by the Regional Office of Education as required by the School Code of Illinois, Section 3-14.21. All Field Notices of Violations have been addressed and there are no outstanding violations.
7.F. 2025-2026 District Fees Schedule
Mr. Eagan
Mr. Jeff Eagan, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, will provide the Board of Education with information regarding the school year 2025-2026 District fees schedule.
8. Requests Under Provision of Freedom of Information Act
9. Adjournment to Executive Session for discussion of [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)] and [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)].
10. Reconvene Board Meeting
11. Adjournment