June 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Mission Statement: Nurturing Each Child, Educating All Students, Building World Citizens
I.D. Approval of Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approves the agenda of the June 12, 2023, regular meeting, as presented. |
I.E. Approval of Minutes
Motion: The Board of Education approves the minutes of the May 8, 2023, regular meeting and the May 19, 2023, special meeting, as presented. |
I.E.1. May 8, 2023 regular meeting
I.E.2. May 19, 2023, special meeting
II. Recognition
II.A. 2023 Retirements
II.B. Educator of the Year - Kathryn Kluzak
III. Superintendent's Report
IV. Presentation
IV.A. A STEAM Experience, Carin McEvoy, Donley Music Teacher
IV.B. 2023-24 Budget, Richard Pugh, Director of Finance and Operations
V. Public Hearing - 2023-24 Proposed Budget
V.A. Opening of Public Hearing with comments from Richard Pugh, Director of Finance and Operations
V.B. Public Comment on 2023-24 Proposed Budget
V.C. Conclude Public Hearing
VI. Consent Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approves the consent agenda to include the following: |
VI.A. Amended hiring of Sara Thompson, as a conditional hire until certification is issued - 1.0 FTE high and middle school English and Theater teacher at MA Step 3 effective August 21, 2023.
VI.B. New Hires
VI.B.1. Hiring of Emma Surbrook 1.0 FTE School Social Worker at Glencairn Elementary at MA Step 3 effective August 21, 2023.
VI.B.2. Hiring of Kylie Fritz 1.0 FTE 3rd Grade Teacher at Donley Elementary at BA Step 3 effective August 21, 2023.
VI.B.3. Hiring of Shannon Austin 1.0 FTE Speech and Language Pathologist at Red Cedar Elementary at MA Step 14 effective August 21, 2023.
VI.C. Leave of Absence
VI.C.1. The Board of Education approves the request for an unpaid parental leave of absence for High School teacher, Jacqui Carroll for the 2023-2024 school year.
VI.C.2. The Board of Education approves the request for an unpaid leave of absence for High School teacher, Nicole Heggelund for the 2023-2024 school year.
VI.C.3. The Board of Education approves the request for an unpaid leave of absence for Robert L. Green Elementary teacher, Katherine Fisher for the 2023-2024 school year.
VI.C.4. The Board of Education approves the request for an unpaid leave of absence for Robert L. Green Elementary teacher, Katharine Hutton for the 2023-2024 school year.
VII. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
VIII. Board Discussion
IX. Action Items
IX.A. World Language Department trip to France and Spain
Motion: The Board of Education approves the attached proposal from Ms. Christopoulos, to travel to France and Spain, June 10 - 18, 2024.
IX.B. High School Band and Orchestra Ensembles Tri;p to Cleveland, Ohio
Motion: The Board of Education approves the trip request from David Larzelere and Dave Rosin for a high school Band and Orchestra Ensembles trip to Cleveland, Ohio in May 2024.
IX.C. Revisions to Policies 3109 Curricular Animals and 5206A Student Discipline - Due Process
Motion: The Board of Education approves the revisions to Policy 3109 - Curricular Animals and Policy 5206A Student Discipline - Due Process, as presented.
IX.D. Suspension of Pay-to-Participate Fees
Motion: The Board of Education approves the continuation of the suspension of the athletic and theater pay-to-participate fees for fiscal year 2023-24.
IX.E. Certification of form L-4029 (2023 Tax Rate Request)
Motion: The Board of Education approves the 2023 millage rates to be levied on July 1, 2023 as calculated per the Michigan Department of Treasury form L-4029 as presented.
IX.F. 2023 - 24 Original Budget
IX.F.1. General Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopts the 2023-2024 Original Budget resolution for the General Fund as presented on pages 5-6 of the Budget Book. |
IX.F.2. Food Service Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopts the 2023-2024 Original Budget resolution for the Food Service Fund as presented on page 7 of the Budget Book. |
IX.F.3. Student/School Activity Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopts the 2023-2024 Original Budget resolution for the Student/School Activity Fund as presented on page 8 of the Budget Book. |
IX.G. ELESPA (Paraprofessionals) CBA
Motion: The Board of Education approves the following change to the agreement between the East Lansing Board of Education and the East Lansing Educational Support Association (ELESPA) covering the period of January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024 pending ELESPA ratification. Article 16 Insurance - A(1) paragraph 3: For new hires after June 30, 2024, the Board will only pay 80% of the medical benefit plan costs of the single subscriber health insurance benefit (which is less the 20% employee premium share cost). If a new hire wants two-person or full-family health insurance coverage, they must pay the cost differential from the single subscriber medical benefit plan costs.
IX.H. Playground Improvements Bid
Motion: The Board of Education awards the playground improvements bid to Penchura, LLC in the amount of $180,157.
X. Committee Reports
X.A. Academic and Technology Committee
X.B. Facilities Committee
X.C. Finance Committee
X.D. Intergovernmental Relations
X.E. Personnel Committee
X.F. Policy Committee
XI. Announcements
XII. Adjournment