September 21, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order - Board President — 6:30 p.m.
Clerk acknowledges public notice Pledge of Allegiance |
II. Roll Call
III. Call for Special Appearance
IV. Adoption of the Agenda
V. Approval of minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on September 8, 2020
VI. Via email, Bob Hermanson, R.J. Brunkow, and Matt Crist reviewed and audited the following bills for payment:
Gen. Fund Accounts Payable-Sept. 2020-CK #167286-#167455 $454,047.08 August 2020 Prepays - CK #167260-#167285 $ 49,430.33 August 2020 Payroll direct deposits - #900079149-#900079251 $ 73,613.55 August 2020 Payroll benefits/deductions-CK #96732-#96755 $ 69,510.16 Debt Service-CK #3003-#3004 $ 34,883.75 Melissa Barlow Scholarships-CK #1410-#1419 $ 5,500.00 Melissa Barlow Money Market-CK #244 $ 10,000.00 Howard & Sally Friske Scholarship-CK #1060-#1063 $ 2,129.00 Fund 72 Trust Fund Scholarship-CK #643-#646 $ 3,500.00 Donald Glindinning Trust Fund-CK #661-#663 $ 1,500.00 Charles Marriott Scholarships-CK #1379-#1382 $ 1,000.00 Charles Marriott Money Market Account-CK #1547 $ 1,250.00 T.M. Nelson Scholarship savings withdrawal $ 100.00 Loren (Buck) Rogers Scholarship-CK #547 $ 1,779.60 Steiner-Kruser Scholarship savings withdrawal $ 300.00 |
VII. Discussion and Action regarding Donations:
VII.a. Medical Associates Clinic would like to donate $25.00 to the Sports Booster Clubs.
VII.b. Dave and Cara Carper would like to donate a trombone to the District.
VIII. Discussion and Action regarding Youth Basketball Insurance
IX. Discussion and Action regarding Referendum Date
X. Discussion and Action regarding format for Veterans Day Presentation
XI. Discussion and Action regarding selling old Mower
XII. Discussion and Action regarding 2020-2021 Drivers' Education
XIII. Public Hearing regarding Waivers for Student Minutes, Educator Effectiveness, and Civics Graduation Test
XIV. Discussion and Action to request Waivers from Wisconsin DPI for Student Minutes, Educator Effectiveness, and Civics Graduation Test
XV. Discussion and Action regarding changing Authorized Signers for Fund 46 Account
XVI. Discussion and Action regarding moving Board Meetings for next Seven Weeks
XVII. Superintendent, Principals, Activities Director, and Building & Grounds Reports
XVIII. Executive Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes: 19.85(1)(c)
Any meeting of a governmental body, upon motion duly made and carried, may be convened in closed session under one or more of the exemptions. In order to receive information regarding personnel matters involving administrative employees and administrative contracts/performance over which the Board exercises responsibility; considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility to discuss: |
XVIII.a. Food Service Candidate
XIX. Adjourn Executive Session and Reconvene to Open Session
XX. Action on matters from Executive Session
XX.a. Hire Food Service Worker
XXI. Adjournment