April 13, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Celebration Video
V. Board Reports
VI. Student Board Reports
VII. Public Participation
Public comments (3 minutes or less) will be collected by email at D41PublicComments@d41.org and will be read at the meeting. Please submit your comments before Monday, April 13 at 6 p.m. Comments received after 6 p.m. will not be read during the meeting but will be forwarded to the Board and attached to the approved minutes.
VIII. Presentations
VIII.A. Forest Glen School Improvement Plan Presentation
VIII.B. Budget Development Calendar
IX. Discussion
IX.A. Transportation Update
IX.B. 2020 Technology Recommendation- Student Chromebooks
IX.C. Summer Capital Project Bids
X. Action Items
X.A. Consent Agenda
X.A.1. Human Resources
X.A.1.a. Personnel Report
X.A.1.a. Employment Recommendations
X.A.1.a. Resignations
X.A.2. Finance, Facilities and Operations
X.A.2.a. School District Payment Order - March 17, 2020 -April 7, 2020
X.A.2.b. FOIA Report - March 17, 2020 -April 7, 2020
X.A.3. Board Meeting Minutes
X.A.3.a. March 23, 2020- Regular Meeting Minutes
X.B. Recommendations
X.B.1. Summer Capital Project Bid
X.B.2. 2020-2021 Board of Education Meeting Calendar
X.B.3. Second Steps - Social Emotional Learning Resources
X.B.4. Transportation Contract Amendment
XI. Other/Board Governance - Learning Together
XII. Upcoming Meetings
XII.A. Monday, April 27, 2020, Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m
XII.B. Monday, May 11, 2020, Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m
XII.C. Items for Consideration for Future Agenda
XIII. Adjourn to Closed Session
XIV. Return to Open Session
XV. Adjournment