February 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Community Input from Visitors Who Have Announced
4. Minutes of January 2023 Board Meeting
5. Ratify the Bills
6. Discussion/Action- Preliminary Property Value Study
7. Discussion/Action – TAPR Report
8. Discussion/Action- Bids for School Buses
9. Discussion/Action- Bids for School Suburbans
10. Discussion/Action – Personnel: 11 and 12 Month Contract Employees
1. Counselor 2. Technology Director 3. Ag Teacher 4. High School Principal 5. Principal of Curriculum and Instruction (The Board reserves the right according to law to enter into Closed Meeting when matters involve personnel and during the course of the meeting as authorized by State Law (TEC Section 551.074).) |
11. Discussion/Action-ESSER III 2022-2023 Reopening Plan-Opportunity for Community Input
12. Discussion/Action- Mission Statement
13. Discussion/Action- TASB Policy Update 120
14. Discussion/Action- School housing bids
15. Superintendent's Report (Financial Reports)
16. Adjournment