June 10, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
3.A. STUDENT SUCCESS DATA SPOTLIGHT: KC to UT Tyler Success Data for Transfer Students
4.A. To consider approving the minutes of the April 8, 2024, Regular Board Meeting.
4.B. To consider approval of personnel items submitted as follows:
4.C. To consider payment of legal fees for April 2024 and May 2024.
5.A. Student Success Committee - Janice Bagley, Chair
5.A.1. INFORMATION ITEM: Status update on active and archived music-related materials
5.A.2. INFORMATION ITEM: Status update on the Surgical Technology Program
5.A.3. INFORMATION ITEM: Spring 2024 Snapshot
5.B. Property & Facilities Committee - Travis Martin, Chair
5.B.1. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval to (1) allow the College President to enter into contract negotiations with Barr G, Inc. to demolish the Quads Residence Halls and Mechanical Room, (2) delegate to the College President the authority to negotiate and finalize any remaining terms related to this same project, and (3) authorize the College President to sign the contract and any other necessary paperwork related to the same project.
5.B.2. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval to (1) allow the College President to enter into contract negotiations with Barr G, Inc. to demolish the Student Support Building, (2) delegate to the College President the authority to negotiate and finalize any remaining terms related to this same project, and (3) authorize the College President to sign the contract and any other necessary paperwork related to the same project.
5.B.3. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval to (1) allow the College President to enter into contract negotiations with C. E. Marler & Associates for construction of a student parking lot and renovations to existing parking at the Health Science Education Center, (2) delegate to the College President the authority to negotiate and finalize any remaining terms related to this same project, and (3) authorize the College President to sign the contract and any other necessary paperwork related to the same project.
5.B.4. INFORMATION ITEM: Update on fieldhouse and football coaches' offices renovation funded by a gift from Lane Johnson.
5.C. Policy & Personnel Committee - Josh Edmonson, Chair
5.C.1. ACTION ITEM: To consider an update to the KC Mission Statement to further align the college's mission with the Board's Direction for Kilgore College to become a Community College 3.0.
5.C.2. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval of the Department of Labor (DOL) FLSA Recommendation for exempt employees effective July 1, 2024, absent any injunction in response to federal lawsuits filed.
5.C.3. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval for a Committee of the Board to study and review the current Institutional Effectiveness Survey Instrument to gauge if the survey meets the current needs of the College and Board, and if not, to review and pursue other options including, but not limited to, contracting with a third party to administer a survey.
5.C.4. Senate Bill 17: Relating to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
5.C.4.a. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval and notification of the following TASB Policy Updates with reference to SB17:
5.C.4.a.1) BG (LEGAL, LOCAL) Administrative Organization
5.C.4.a.2) BI (LEGAL) Reports (Notification only)
5.C.4.a.3) CFE (LEGAL, LOCAL, Administrative Rule) Purchasing and Acquisition
5.C.4.a.4) DAA (LEGAL, LOCAL) Employment Objectives: Equal Employment Opportunity
5.C.4.a.5) DH (LEGAL, Administrative Rule) Employee Standards of Conduct (Notification only)
5.C.4.a.6) FA (LEGAL, LOCAL) Equal Educational Opportunity
5.C.5. Executive Order No. GA-44: Relating to Addressing Acts of Antisemitism in Institutions of Higher Education
5.C.5.a. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval and notification of the following TASB policy updates with reference to GA-44:
5.C.5.a.1) FLA (LEGAL, LOCAL) Student Expression and Use of College Facilities
5.C.5.a.2) FLB (LEGAL, LOCAL) Student Conduct
5.C.5.a.3) DGC (LEGAL, LOCAL, Administrative Rule) Employee Expression and use of College Facilities
5.C.5.a.4) GD (LEGAL, LOCAL) Community Expression and Use of College Facilities
5.C.6. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval of the following updated TASB policies:
5.C.6.a. AB (LEGAL, LOCAL) College District Name and Definitions
5.C.6.b. CGC (LEGAL, LOCAL) Emergency Plans and Alerts
5.C.6.c. DBD (LEGAL, LOCAL, EXHIBIT, ADMINISTRATIVE RULE) Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Conflict of Interest
5.C.6.d. FFAC (LEGAL, LOCAL) Communicable Diseases
5.C.6.e. GE (LEGAL, LOCAL) Advertising and Fundraising
5.C.7. INFORMATION ITEM: To review TASB Policies for Information Only
5.C.7.a. AF (LEGAL) Institutional Effectiveness
5.C.7.b. BAA (LEGAL) Powers, Duties, Responsibilities
5.C.7.c. BBBA (LEGAL) Conducting an Election
5.C.7.d. BBBB (LEGAL) Post-Election Procedures
5.C.7.e. BBBC (LEGAL) Reporting Campaign Funds
5.C.7.f. BBC (LEGAL) Vacancies and Removal from Office
5.C.7.g. BD (LEGAL) Board Meetings
5.C.7.h. CAAA (LEGAL) State and Federal Revenue Sources - State
5.C.7.i. CAI (LEGAL) Ad Valorem Taxes
5.C.7.j. CF (LEGAL) Purchasing and Acquisitions
5.C.7.k. CGE (LEGAL) Medical Treatment
5.C.7.l. CRA (LEGAL) Website Postings
5.C.7.m. DIAA (LEGAL) Sex and Sexual Violence
5.D. Investment/Finance/Audit Committee - Jon Rowe, Chair
5.D.1. ACTION ITEM: To consider adoption of the (1) "State maximum tuition rate" for Dual Credit at public and charter schools, with an initial rate of $56.87 per semester credit hour (SCH), the rate will automatically adjust in accordance with any future changes set by the State; and (2) the dual credit rates for non-public and non-charter schools to reflect a 20% discount from the standard tuition rates.
5.D.2. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval of a waiver for the penalty and interest on the delinquent property tax for 355 E. Pacific Ave, Gladewater, TX due to an error by an employee/agent of the appraisal district.
5.D.3. ACTION ITEM: To consider funding the Department of Labor (DOL) FLSA recommendation for exempt employees effective July 1, 2024, absent any injunction in response to federal lawsuits filed.
5.D.4. Entrepreneurial Community College Spotlight: Campus Store
5.D.5. INFORMATION ITEM: Financial Update
5.D.5.a. March 2024 Financial Snapshot
5.D.5.b. April 2024 Financial Snapshot
5.D.5.c. April 2024 Capital Update
7.A. INFORMATION ITEM: Upcoming Dates
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board should be held or is required in relation to any item included in this notice, then such closed or executive meeting or session as authorized by Section 551.001 et. seq. of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board concerning any subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Sections 551.01-551.089 of the Open Meetings Act. |