March 4, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Adoption of Agenda (Policy BCBD)
3. Approval of February 08, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
4. Approval of Consent Agenda
4.1. Approval of Personnel Agenda
4.1.1. Approval of Administrative Recommendation(s)
4.1.2. Approval of Teacher Recommendation(s)
4.2. Approval of Fundraiser(s) (Policy JK)
4.2.1. Approval of Pre-K Graduation Fundraiser
4.2.2. Approval of 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony Fundraiser
4.3. Approval of Review of Policy K and L (Policy BDE) (SES 4.2)
4.4. Approval to Advertise for Staff Vacancies
4.5. Review of the Annual Board Calendar
4.6. Approval of Out of State Travel (Policy GADA)
4.7. Approval of Agreement with Sanitation Services Independent Contractor(s) and Hollandale School District
4.8. Approval of Agreement with Food Services Independent Contractor(s) and Hollandale School District
5. Principal's Report
6. Financials:
6.1. Approval of Claims Dockets 016499 to 017479- (Policy DJ & IB)
6.2. Revenue Budget ((Policy DIB)
6.3. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
6.4. Cash Balance Statement
6.5. Approval of Fund Balances
7. Discussion & Approval:
7.1. Approval and Acceptance of a $500 Scholarship from the Deacon Joe Wilbert Scholarship Fund
7.2. Approval and Acceptance of two(2) $250 Scholarships from the Kiara Nicole Harris Scholarship Fund
8. Superintendent's Report: (Policy CO)
8.1. Trends and Updates in Education
8.2. ESSER III Construction Updates
8.3. Legislative Bills- Updates
8.4. Transportation: Electric Buses- Updates
8.5. Testing Updates
8.6. Federal Programs Updates
8.7. Grand Jury Report
9. Adjournment