July 27, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Adoption of Agenda (Policy BCBD)
3. Approval of July 8, 2021, Special Call Meeting Minutes
4. Opening and Approval of Depository Bids
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
5.1. Approval of Personnel Agenda
5.2. Approval of Student Athletic Insurance with Leavitt Group
5.3. Approval of Sander's Student Handbook
5.4. Approval of Simmon's Student Handbook
5.5. Approval of the Simmon's Athletic Handbook
5.6. Approval of the Transportation Handbook
5.7. Approval of Athletic Fundraisers
5.8. Approval of Drop-out Prevention Plan
5.9. Approval of Delta Health Alliance MOA
5.10. Approval of Consultants (BBG)
5.11. Life Help MOA 2021-22 School Year
5.12. Approval of Computer Software and Programs Agreements
5.13. Approval of the Annual Board Member Calendar
6. Financials:
6.1. Approval of Claims Dockets 012877 to 012944- (Policy DJ & IB)
6.2. Bank Reconciliation Reports
6.3. Statement of Fund Balances Policy DGA)
6.4. Revenue Budget ((Policy DIB)
6.5. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
6.6. Cash Balance Statement
7. Discussion
7.1. Approval of HSD Learning Options - In-Person and/or Virtual Learning
7.2. Approval of HSD Reopening Plan
7.3. Approval of Athletic Fees
7.4. Upcoming Events
7.5. MSDH Covid-19 Recommendations - As of July 23, 2021
7.6. Covid-19 Policies Review Discussion
7.7. Approval to Disposal of Personal Property (not land) - MS Code 37-7-455
8. Superintendent's Report: (Policy CO)
8.1. Current Trends and Update Presentation
8.2. Update on Title Programs, ESSER II, and ESSER III
8.3. MDE Accreditation Status 2021-2022
8.4. iReady End of Year (2020-21) Data Report - Covid - 19
9. Adjournment