June 27, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Special Called
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Approval of May 31, 2019, June 10, 18, 2019 Board Minutes
4. Approval of Work Session Minutes of June 18, 2019
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Approval of Budget Resolutions
5.1.1. District Maintenance & Local Contribution to MAEP
5.1.2. Qualified School Construction Bond Note
5.2. Approval of Personnel Agenda
5.3. Approval of Consultant - Falesia B. Miles-Tyson
5.4. Approval of request to extend Summer Feeding Program
5.5. Approval of Home Insurance Agency
5.6. Approval to advertise for vacant maintenance position
6. Financials
6.1. Claims Dockets 008962 - 009092
6.2. HSD Budgets 2019-2020
6.3. Tentative Receivables 2018-2019
6.4. Tentative Loans from District Maintenance 2019
6.5. Tentative Fund Balance
6.6. Transfer from 16th Section Rent Fund to District Maintenance
7. Adjournment