July 27, 2020 at 11:30 AM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Call to Order
II. Call to Order
III. The Board will convene in closed session in the Great Room at the Truman Arnold Student Center pursuant to one or more of the following sections of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code:
IV. Open Forum Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/465361253 You can also dial in using your phone. US (Toll Free): 1-877-309-2073 US - 1-646-749-3129 Access Code: 465-361-253 New to GoTo Meeting? Get the GoTo app. https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/465361253 |
V. Reconvene to Open Session
VI. Pledge of Allegiance
VII. Consideration and take action to approve the consent agenda
VII.A. Regular meeting minutes for June 22, 2020
VII.B. Special Called meeting minutes for July 2, 2020
VII.C. Consideration/Approval of Personnel Items
VIII. Open Forum
IX. Consideration and take action to approve the consent agenda
IX.A. Regular meeting minutes for December 16, 2019
IX.B. Consideration/Approval of Personnel Items
X. Consideration/Approval of Changing the August 24, 2020 Board Meeting to August 17, 2020
XI. Consideration/Approval for Public Hearing Date and Proposed Tax Rate
XII. Consideration/Approval of Capital Projects
XIII. Budget Workshop for Second Draft of the 2020/2021 Budget
XIV. College President Report (Dr. Jason Smith)
XV. College President Report (Dr. Jason Smith)
XVI. Vice President of Finance (Kim Jones)
XVII. Vice President of Finance (Kim Jones)
XVIII. Vice President of Instruction (Dr. Donna McDaniel)
XIX. Vice President of Instruction (Dr. Donna McDaniel)
XX. Dean of Students (Robert Jones)
XXI. Dean of Students (Robert Jones)
XXII. Possible Closed Session
XXIII. Adjourn
XXIV. Adjourn