June 28, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Call meeting to order, establish a quorum.
II. Public Forum: No presentation shall exceed five minutes.(Local Policy BED). If during the open forum period, a member of the public asks a question about an item not listed on the public agenda, the board or any of its members may respond by providing specific factual information or a recitation of an existing policy, but members may not discuss or deliberate the question. Texas Government Code 551.042
III. Consent agenda:
III.i. Discussion and possible approval of Quarterly Investment Report ending May 31, 2021.
III.ii. Discussion and possible approval of removing Rebecca Huff from the Elkhart Middle School activity accounts and add Roger Mays to the Elkhart Middle school activity accounts with Commercial Bank of Texas (CBTx).
III.iii. Discussion and possible approval of T-TESS appraisers and the appraisal calendar for the 2021-22 school year.
III.iv. Discussion and possible approval of administrative reports.
III.iv.a. Prior Meeting Board Minutes
III.iv.b. Tax Report
III.iv.c. Financial Report
III.iv.d. Accounts Payable
IV. Discuss and possible approval of the highest bid received for the resale property as follows:
Account # R13149, Purchaser Munoz Flavia, Bid Amount $10,200.00, Property Description Being that certain lot or parcel of land, situated in the William Frost Survey, Abstract 25, Block 953, Tract 26 & 27; in the Joseph Hertz Survey, Abstract 31, Block 952-4, Tract 1, as described in Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 841, Page 879, Filed October 28, 1975, and Quitclaim Deed recorded in Volume 2404, Page 231, Filed March 31, 2014, in Anderson County, Texas, and being further identified on the tax rolls and records of the Elkhart I.S.D. and the City of Elkhart under Property Account Number R13149. |
V. Discussion and possible approval of Food Service Management Company.
VI. Discussion and possible approval to participate in the Texas Schools Health Benefits Program for an alternate group health medical coverage.
VII. Discussion and possible approval of an amendment to District of Innovation
VIII. Discussion of Budget Calendar.
IX. Discussion of scoreboards.
X. Recess to Closed Session: A closed session may be held for the purpose authorized by the Texas Open meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et. seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the following sections and purposes.
X.i. 551.074 – Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel
X.i.a. Ratify resignation for staff members.
X.i.b. Hiring of personnel
XI. Reconvene in Open Session: Consider and take possible action on item discussed in closed session.
XII. Adjourn.