January 23, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Lyon County School Board Meeting
Public Notice |
6. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Opportunity for Board members to report items of interest.
8. ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE: Reading notes from the students.
9. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Opportunity for Superintendent to report items of interest
10. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Opportunity for Citizens to Address the Board (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Items raised under this portion of the agenda cannot be deliberated or acted upon until the notice procedures of the open meeting law have been met. If you wish to speak on a matter not listed on the agenda, please step up to the front table, be seated, and clearly state your name. In consideration of others please avoid repetition. Your comments must be limited to no more than three minutes. Should you have more comments, you may submit them in writing to the Board Clerk. Comments directed to the Board as a whole, personal attacks, or slanderous remarks shall not be allowed.
Any restrictions on comments by the general public must be reasonable and may restrict the time, place and manner of
the comments, but may not restrict comments based upon viewpoint.
11. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) CONSENT AGENDA: All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of School Trustees with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed, and acted upon separately, during this meeting.
11.A. Discussion and Possible Action on Student's Disciplinary Action and/or
Behavioral Contracts. Closed session may be held. (confidential)
11.B. Requests for Exemption from Immunization. (confidential)
11.C. Request for Early Graduation/HSE (confidential)
11.D. Requests for additional days from Sick Leave Bank (confidential)
11.E. Personnel Reports
11.E.1. Certified
11.E.2. Classified
11.E.3. Extra Duty
11.E.4. Volunteer
11.F. Reports
11.F.1. Enrollment
11.F.2. IT
11.F.3. Grants
11.G. Bids
11.H. Memorandum of Understanding
11.I. Travel
11.I.1. Out of State Requests
11.I.2. In-State Travel
11.I.3. Student Travel
11.I.4. Staff Travel Reports
11.J. District Claims and Financial Report
11.J.1. Paybill: Dated 12-21-17, 1-3-18, and 1-4-18; Checks 188336-188819; Vouchers 1137, 1146, and 1148; Total $645,342.16
13. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) DONATION ITEM: Discussion and possible action to approve the generous donations to our schools from MSC of Fernley, The Geological Society of Nevada Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. James Huckaby, JK Belz and Associates, Harley Davidson Financial Services, Inc., and Walmart of Fernley.
14. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding LCSD Board Policies BC/BCA: Board Organization/Board Organizational Meeting and BCB: Board Officers. This item is being presented by Member Crabtree.
15. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding the LCSD School Board self-evaluation. This item is being presented by the LCSD Board President.
16. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action to approve an update on the Lyon County School District Performance Plan 2017-18. This item is being presented by Director of Special Services, Marva Cleven; Director of Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Keri Pommerening; Director of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Jim Gianotti; Director of Human Resources, Tim Logan; Director of Finance and Facilities, Shawn Heusser and Public Information Officer, Erika Garcia.
17. (For Possible Action) Discussion and Possible action to approve the adoption of the CASE Agriculture Education Curriculum. This item is being presented by Director of Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Keri Pommerening.
18. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding the informal evaluation of the Superintendent per Policy BCD. This item is being presented by Superintendent, Wayne Workman.
19. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding the employment contract with the Superintendent. This item is being presented by the LCSD Board President and Superintendent, Wayne Workman.
20. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding the start time of School Board meetings. This item is being presented by Superintendent Wayne Workman.
21. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action to approve revisions to Policy KA: Distribution of Flyers and Announcements by External Organizations as a first reading. This item is being presented by Director of Human Resources, Tim Logan and Public Information Officer, Erika Garcia.
22. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action to approve revisions to Policy IIAC: School Library Media Center as a first reading. This item is being presented by Director of Human Resources, Tim Logan; Director of Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Keri Pommerening and Director of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Jim Gianotti.
23. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action to approve revisions to Policy IGD: Student Special and Senior Trips as a first reading. This item is being presented by Director of Human Resources, Tim Logan.
24. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action to approve revisions to Policy JECA: Participation of homeschool, and non-public school students in LCSD as a first reading. This item is being presented by Director of Human Resources, Tim Logan.
25. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Discussion and possible action on agenda items for future board meetings and/or information item requests, including a summary by the superintendent. This item is being presented by President, Bridget Peterson and Superintendent, Wayne Workman.
26. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Opportunity for Citizens to Address the Board (no
action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Items
raised under this portion of the agenda cannot be deliberated or acted
upon until the notice procedures of the open meeting law have been met.
If you wish to speak on a matter not listed on the agenda, please step
up to the front table, be seated, and clearly state your name. In
consideration of others please avoid repetition. Your comments must be
limited to no more than three minutes. Should you have more comments,
you may submit them in writing to the Board Clerk. Comments directed to
the Board as a whole, personal attacks, or slanderous remarks shall not
be allowed.
Any restrictions on comments by the general public must be reasonable and may restrict the time, place and
manner of
the comments, but may not restrict comments based upon viewpoint.