March 11, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting of the Shelton Public Schools Board of Education
Minutes | |
1. Call to order and roll call
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Four visitors were present. Administrators Gegg, Kenton and Wieseler were present.
2. Routine matters
2.a. Review and approve minutes
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2.b. Review and approve claims
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3. Request to address the Board of Education
There were no requests to address the Board
4. Reports
4.a. Financial Report
Mr. Gegg reported on the financial status of the district
4.b. Board Report
No report
4.c. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Gegg reported on Building and Grounds - acoustic panels will be installed in the new commons and we received electrical bid on the greenhouse as well as installing new LED lighting in the hallways, lunchroom, kitchen, and the elementary breezeway. We will continue exploring the opportunity for a junior high athletic coop with Kenesaw. This would include football, volleyball and possibly girls basketball. Bond Rating - Standard and Poors gave the district an A+ rating for our financial stability and economic outlook. Drivers Education - we’ve submitted paperwork to have our drivers education program certificated by the state.
4.d. Elementary Principal Report
Elementary Principal Report
Mr. Kenton reported PK - 6th enrollment is 159. The Nebraska Reading Improvement Act will go into effect during the 2019-2020 school year. The act takes a comprehensive approach to improve the reading skills of students in kindergarten through third grade.
4.e. High School Principal Report
High School Principal Report
Mr. Wieseler reported 7th-12th enrollment is 135. Staff Inservice Day - NSCAS Science Pilot Meeting & AQUESST small group meetings. ACT Parent Meeting - Mrs. Pope and I explained the purpose and format for our ACT test for juniors.
5. New Business
5.a. Consideration to approve the elementary teaching contract for Katie Meyer for the 2019-20 school year.
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5.b. Consideration to approve the elementary teaching contract for Rachelle Carpenter for the 2019-20 school year.
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5.c. Consideration to approve the Art Honors student's trip to Chicago.
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5.d. Consideration to approve the special education contract for cooperative service with Educational Service Unit 10 for the 2019-20 school year.
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5.e. Consideration to approve the contract with Pro Track and Tennis, Inc. for the repair and resurfacing of the track.
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5.f. Consideration to approve bid from Stuppy Greenhouse for the district's FFA greenhouse.
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6. Old Business
7. Adjournment
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