December 9, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
1.1. Declaration of Legal Meeting
1.2. Open meetings law is posted in Board Room
1.3. Notice of Public Meeting, Posted
1.4. Act on Absent Members (if any)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
2. Welcome Visitors and Guests
Carlson, West, Povondra architect, Darin Blair - proposal for Track/Field Facilities presented.
Reilly D - NMEA All-State Choir attendee and selected to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the State VB tournament Rylan N - NMEA All-State Choir attendee Wilke - ASVAB assessment information. Dana Cole auditors Ryan Hipke & Gene Ulmer - audit report. Kroeger, Tedmon, Valasek, Wilke - Ron Clark Academy trip review. PEA: Mrs Royle - Math curriculum (looking at best rated texts only, applying knowledge, student-based). |
3. Consent Agenda
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3.1. Approval of Agenda
3.2. Treasurer’s Report
3.3. Minutes of previous board meeting(s) (corrections to minutes as presented)
3.4. Review/accept Rule 10 Report
3.5. Review/accept Audit Report
4. Claims
4.1. General Fund
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.2. Other Funds
4.3. Board Member Claim (if any)
5. Reports
5.1. Property Tax Report
5.2. Principals’ Reports
Mrs Loeffelbein: K-12 Christmas Concert on Monday; mid-year assessments; ECERS PK visit/rating - outstanding visit and positive feedback.
Mr Morris: Math Curriculum (texts ordered to review); ACT prep class for Jrs; hosted Play Conference in CC last week - placed 3rd; All-State Choir; Cheer/Dance event. |
5.3. Superintendent’s Report
Board members: State Education Conference information.
Dr. Bohlken: Wellville reveal; budget update; upcoming events. |
6. Special Recognition
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Public Input and Communication
Cathy Blauhorn addressed the board in regards to long-term substitute pay policy.
Justin Mings, Travis Caspersen, and Brad Reimers addressed the board in regards to the St Paul/Palmer baseball coop. |
8. Items of Business
8.1. Consider, discuss, take necessary action on NSAA Agreement for Baseball, Softball Cooperative Sponsorship
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.2. Consider, discuss, take necessary action on superintendent contract (302.02)
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8.3. Consider, discuss, take necessary action to review/revise Policies 504.11, 504.12, 504.14, 504.15, 504.16, 504.17, 504.18 (205.03)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9. Pending or Future Agenda Items
9.1. Reorganization of the board
9.2. Adopt master board calendar for ensuing year
9.3. Designate school auditor, newspaper, attorney, repository
9.4. CPAA assessment report
9.5. Leadership Team Planning Retreat - Board Self-Assessment and Goal Planning
9.6. Negotiated agreement due on or before February 8
9.7. Americanism committee meeting
10. Adjourn
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.