January 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Call to Order
The Superintendent shall preside over the meeting until the new President is elected. |
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Recognition of Open Meeting Law
1.3. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Oath of office for most recently elected board members
Mr. Norgaard gave the oath of office to: Brad Hays, Jesse Juenemann, Amanda Buhr
3. Election of Officers
The motions for the officer elections should read: Move that ___________ be elected as ___________ (name of office) to serve a term of one year, or until the person’s successor is elected and qualified. |
3.1. Nominations and election of the President
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Charlie McPherson nominated Brad Hays for the position of President. Mr. Hays accepted. No other nominations.
3.1.1. Newly elected President chairs the meeting.
3.2. Nominations and election of the Vice President
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Scott Barger was nominated for the position of vice president by Brad Hays. Mr. Barger accepted. There were no other nominations.
3.3. Nominations and election of the Secretary
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Mike Langan was nominated for the position of secretary of the board by Brad Hays. Mr. Langan accepted. There were no more nominations.
3.4. Annual appointment of the Ex officio Recording Secretary and Treasurer
3.4.1. By job description, the Business Manager is the Treasurer and Recording Secretary of the minutes of all meetings for the Board of Education. This position should be reappointed each year when the board recognizes and elects officers.
The motions for the Ex officio appointment should read: Move that the Business Manager be elected as the Treasurer and Recording Secretary to serve a term of one year, or until the position's successor is appointed.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4. Appointment of committees
Per school policy, the President is responsible for establishing committees and appointing members.
2025 Board of Education Committee Assignments: Scheduling Committee Meeting: scheduling a meeting should be done through the Superintendent’s office.
Guests at Committee Meetings: Please let the Superintendent know if you would like to bring a guest to a committee meeting, the guest must be approved by the Superintendent. |
5. Approve the District newspaper
The McCook Gazette is used to advertise board meetings to patrons.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Board members are provided with State Statutes Regarding Conflict of Interests
See attached PDF
7. Reports, Communications & Public Participation
7.1. Board accepts public comments
There were no public comments.
7.2. Student board member report
Kyson Barger reported the following:
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: StuCo is getting ready for Color Day which will be on January 25th. Spirit Week will start for us on Tuesday January 21st. SPORTS & CLUBS: Boys/Girls Basketball- Both teams kicked off the New Year by winning the Louisville Holiday Tournament. Last Tuesday Both teams defeated Broken Bow on Tuesday. Boys picked up wins over Gothenburg and Sidney on Friday and Saturday. Bowling- Boys and Girls had a home dual on January 9th against Arapahoe. Boys won and Girls lost. They both headed to Lexington over the weekend on Saturday to compete. Boys/Girls Wrestling- Girls traveled to Norton on Friday and boys went to Beatrice. Speech- Speech team will be heading to Wallace on January 18th. Swim/Dive- Competed in Kearney last Friday (January 10th). |
8. Approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes and financials
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.1. Approve minutes from the special board meeting
8.2. Approval of Expenditures/Payroll for December 2024
9. Reports from Staff Members and Committees
10. Administrator's written reports: Please review prior to the board meeting
10.1. Board Comments
Scott Barger thanked the new board members for their service.
Brad Hays reminded the School Board members of the Board retreat in North Platte on Wednesday, Jan 15. We will depart school at 3:30pm. |
11. Superintendent's report/comments
External Team Visit:
January 20th Teacher In-service
12. Director of Business services report
Monthly Business Manager Board of Education Report Dec 2024 for January 2025 Board Meeting Monthly Lunch #’s = 11,655 meals served Financial #’s = After 33%% of fiscal year = General Fund YTD Revenue is 30% YTD Expense is 35% All Funds YTD Revenue is 30%, YTD Expenses is 34% Facilities - Updates Ordered one more 14’ x 20" Awning for the Tennis facility Upcoming Projects SH Hall by Gymnasium project SH Hallway drop ceiling/lighting Bond Project Need to schedule facilities committee meeting Federal/state Reports filed in December: None
13. New Business
13.1. Accept Resignations
There were no resignations.
13.2. Approve contract for Rachel Rydgren - Life Skills room 2025/2026 school year.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
13.3. Approve contract for Cherie Wallace - JH Special Education teacher for the 2nd Semester 2024-2025 school year only.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
13.4. Approve contract for Meagan Paul - 4-12 SLP for 2025/2026 school year
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
13.5. Accept Grant funds from The Graff Charitable Foundation in the amount of $1,500 for the NORE group.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
14. Positive Comments
Kyson Barger is excited about Color day and spirit week.
Jesse Juenamann thanked all the McCook students and staff for their help with the MAC attack basketball tournament. He also thanked everyone for the heartfelt welcome to the board. Amanda Buhr is happy to be on the board and thanks everyone for all their support. Mike Langan was encouraged and excited by the winter sports results. Charlie McPherson announced that Governor Pillen will be here on Thursday at The Coppermill from 12:30-2:30 pm. He thanked the school district for all their help with the MAC attack. Scott Barger appreciates the bus drivers for all the work that they do with our students. He appreciated the changes to the teacher certification process. Brad Hays welcomed the new board members, and thanked everyone for their service in all their positions. Grant Norgaard thanked the adminstrators for all their work over Christmas break. |
15. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.
16. Items for Review