November 8, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Recognition of Open Meeting Law
1.3. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Reports, Communications & Public Participation
2.1. Public Participation
2.1.1. Board accepts public comments
2.2. Presentation from Tech Team
Tina Williams had a group of students from the Bison Tech team give the board a presentation on their duties with the tech team.
3. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.1. Approval of Minutes
3.2. Approval of Expenditures/Payroll for October
4. Reports from Staff Members and Committees
4.1. Negotiations Committee
Teresa Thomas reported that the negotiations committee met with the MEA on October 27th and set the future meeting dates and times. Next meeting is November 10th @ 7:15 am. |
4.2. Finance Committee
Finance Chairperson,Tom Bredvick, reported that the Finance committee met with the auditors and went over the audit, and general spending and budgeting items.
4.3. Facility Committee
5. Board and Administrative Comments
Mr. Norgaard reported on the School improvement process and passed out a draft of the new school improvement action plan. A new plan is being developed to better align to what we do at MPS on a daily basis. District Overarching Goal: McCook Public Schools will focus teacher and staff development on the processes and procedures necessary to implement a high functioning professional learning community (PLC), which collaborates regularly on developing and improving curriculum, assessments, teaching/instruction, and intervention. Mr. Norgaard gave the embargoed achievement data from the 2020-2021 school year. He wanted to give the board a chance to review scores compared to the state avg prior to those scores being released to the public. |
5.1. Administrative Comments
5.1.1. Safety Report
5.2. Business Manager Comments
5.2.1. Report on Audit
Mr. Gross reported that the school district received the final results of the 2020-2021 Audit. Findings include:
Deficiency Include:
5.2.2. Purchase a 2023 International 59 passenger school bus for $89,900
Mr. Gross reported on the purchase of a new route bus. A RFP was released and bids were sought. The low bid meeting all specs was by: Cornhusker International, Lincoln, NE for a 2023 International IC Bus, CE Series - 59 passenger School bus @ the price of $89,900. We do have NDE approval to pay for this with ESSERS-3 $$.
5.3. Board Comments
Tom Bredvick reminded the board members of the state Board of education Conference in Omaha, November 17-19.
6. Old Business
6.1. Discussion concerning the architecture firms' presentations, and the selection of an architecture firm to design a remodeled Jr. High facility and/or new construction of a school facility.
An action item has been placed on the agenda following this discussion item. If a board member wishes to motion to select an architecture firm to partner with, they may do so when they feel it is appropriate. |
6.2. Authorize the Superintendent of McCook Public Schools to contact and establish a partnership with a board-selected architecture firm, and provide the Superintendent, and/or board officers, with the authority to negotiate and sign any necessary contracts or forms which act as a formal agreement between the selected firm and McCook Public Schools.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Tom Brevick moved to authorize the Superintendent of McCook Public Schools to contact and establish a partnership with W Design of McCook, and provide the Superintendent, and/or board officers, with the authority to negotiate and sign any necessary contracts or forms which act as a formal agreement between the selected firm and McCook Public Schools with a second from Loretta Hauxwell. Discussion included Brad Hays stated he was concerned about the difference in pre-bond cost between the firms. Loretta Hauxwell stated that she wants to ensure that we get the best possible facility for our students while being financially conservative and that she feels W Design can achieve that for us. Tom Bredvick enjoyed the process and stated that all 3 firms were outstanding and that we could do business with any of them. |
7. New Business
7.1. Accept donation ($3,690.25) from MNB Bison debit cards
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.2. Approve the purchase of 2023 International 59 passenger school bus for $89,900
Mr. Norgaard reported that this is not a voting item.
8. Positive Comments
Tucker Gillispie commented on the cooperation with Mid Plains Community college and the joint School play. the 25th annual Putnam spelling Bee. performances will be on November 12 and 13th @ 7:00 pm. and on November 14th @2:00 pm. Mr. Hays commented on the recent State runner-up by the Mccook bison tennis team. He congratulated coach Matt Weimers and the team. Mr. Langan commented on the success of so many graduates and made note of the UNK Loper football team that includes former bison Hunter Hays, DJ Gross and Zach Schlager. Mr. Berry commented on Alicap's safety report. He knows 1st hand that the safety report used to be pages long and the district has done a tremendous job of making our schools a safe place. Mrs. Thomas commented on the excitement and success of the Unified bowling team and thanked Mrs. Lynne Kinne for all her hard work and dedication to the program. Mrs. Hauxwell commented how excited she was to read in the weekly reports about the reading activities taking place and really appreciated the creativity being taught and promoted to our students. Mr. Gross commended the community of McCook for the outstanding outpouring of support during the Big Give McCook. So many of these dollars flow through organizations that directly benefit our students. Mr. Norgaard thanked MPS teacher Jill Lauer for her hard work and dedication in working to develop a strong afterschool program. She has been tasked with helping administration to design and implement a new program and she has done an awesome job to state, while also working as our ELL coordinator. Mr. Bredvick commented that he appreciates the McCook Community Foundation fund for organizing the Mccook Big Give and encouraging us at the school system to dream big. He also appreciated the administration taking the time to develop a concrete plan to address these concerns before they become major safety concerns. |
9. Items for Review
9.1. Policy Review - Construction Manager
9.2. Policy Review - Design Build
10. Executive Session to discuss negotiations. The reason for executive session is to protect the public interest during the negotiations process
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. Adjournment
adjorn @ 8:40 pm