September 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call to order and roll call
II. Possible action to adjourn meeting to the high school library in order to practice social distancing
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III. Consent Agenda (The board will vote to accept, reject or modify the items in one motion. If a member wishes, items may be considered on an individual basis.)
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III.A. Minutes of the 8/10/2020 regular meeting
III.B. Approval of encumbrances, claims, transfers and change orders in the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund and activity funds, including the following:
III.B.1. 2020-2021 general fund purchase orders #181-250, Totaling $132,675.68
III.B.2. 2020-2021 general fund change orders as of 9/11/2020, Totaling $200.00
III.B.3. 2020-2021 general fund payroll change orders as of 9/11/2020, Totaling $9,326.93
III.B.4. 2020-2021 building fund purchase orders 17-19, Totaling $3,592.54
III.B.5. Child nutrition fund report 8/1/2020-8/31/2020
III.B.6. 2020-2021 child nutrition fund purchase orders 17-20, Totaling $886.91
III.B.7. 2020-2021 child nutrition fund payroll change orders as of 9/11/2020, Totaling $1,025.50
III.C. Activity fund report
III.D. Activity fund transfer request
III.E. Treasurer's report
IV. Reports/Announcements/Meetings
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Chapman began his report with membership. The report showed enrollment was lower than this time last year. As of today we have 133 virtual students. He spoke to the board members about virtual students being allowed to take STAR and AR test on campus if needed. Mr. Karpe added, grades and attendances are doing well this year. Mr. Chapman stated some teachers and students have been wearing mask. Health precautions are still in place. This year we have only had 3 positive cases of COVID 19 and 14 kids quarantined due to exposure to COVID 19. Mr. Chapman met with the Leopard Nation Wellness Station (South Central) to discuss protocols for positive cases. In the event of a positive COVID 19 case, Mr. Chapman will notify the Health Department. The school will provide seating charts to the Health Department and they will notify the parents/guardian if a student needs to be quarantined. The school will send out a text message alerting patrons of a positive case in the district. Mr. Chapman then went over construction on campus. We are waiting for The City of Lindsay to help finish the upgrades. The project needs to be finished on a weekend and we are currently waiting for the city to schedule a weekend to help. Mr. Chapman reviewed the transportation report and utilities summary with the board.
IV.B. Principals' Reports
IV.B.1. Elementary
Mr. Burrell was not in attendance, Mr. Karpe gave the elementary report. He stated the elementary will have a book fair on September 21-25. Also, a staff luncheon was planned for Thursday, September 17, 2020.
IV.B.2. Middle School
Mr. Ferguson was not in attendance.
IV.B.3. High School
Mr. Karpe gave the High School report. He went over the Student's of the Month for September. He also stated how well the Ag department is doing.
V. Items to be considered by the Lindsay Board of Education
V.A. Vote to approve, reject or modify fundraising requests.
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V.B. Discussion and possible action on the financial statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 and the Estimate of Needs for the 2020-2021 fiscal year
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V.C. Discussion and possible action to approve the Riley Boatwright Emergency Plan
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V.D. Discussion and possible action on the Alternative Education Plan for the 2020-2021 school year
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V.E. Discussion and possible action on recommendation on the Gifted Committee for the 2020-2021 school year
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V.F. Discussion and possible action on Resolution to transcript Math, Science and Technology classes taught at Mid-American Technology Center for the 2020-2021 school year
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V.G. Discussion and possible action on the following committees for the 2020-2021 school year: Reading Sufficiency Committee, Elementary School wide Planning Committee, Middle School School wide Planning Committee, and Title IV Consultation Committee
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V.H. Discussion and possible action to approve the Procurement Plan for Child Nutrition Programs for 2020-2021 school year
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VI. Discussion and possible action on personnel items as follows:
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VI.A. Take action on any resignation/retirements received to date
VI.A.1. Bus Driver
VI.B. Employment
VI.B.I. Maintenance Employee
VI.C. Contracts for all personnel for 2020-2021
VII. New business
No new business.
VIII. Adjourn
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