Minutes |
1. Call Meeting To Order:
All actions in these Minutes were by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.
President Tanya Gray called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence In Honor Of Fallen Soldiers And Active Duty Persons:
3. Recognition:
Superintendent Kevin Case recognized the maintenance and transportation staff for their work and flexibility last week during the cold and snowy weather.
4. Review of Board Working Agreements:
5. Public Forum:
There was nothing for public forum.
6. Approval of Agenda:
7. Consent Agenda Items:
7.A. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2025.
Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2025.
7.B. Approve Personnel Action.
Approved Personnel Action for February 24, 2025. (Attachment)
7.B.1. Approve Administrative Rule Waiver Application: Long-Term Substitute
Approved Administrative Rule Waiver Application for Long-Term Substitute.
7.C. Approve Financial Reports
Approved January 2025 Financial Reports. (Attachment)
7.D. Approve the Purchases and Issuing of Accounts Payable.
Approved Accounts Payabe Report. (Attachment)
7.E. Approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of the Air Force and Douglas School District 51-1 to Establish and Operate a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps Unit.
Approved the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Air Force and Douglas School District 51-1 to Establish and Operate Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps Unit.
7.F. Approve Conflict Disclosures and Waiver Authorizations Pursuant to SDCL 3-23-3
There were no conflicts disclosed as defined in SDCL 3-23.
8. Items Removed From Consent Agenda
9. Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
10. Superintendent Items:
Superintendent Items:
10.A. RSP District Demographics Study Presentation.
Ginna Wallace from RSP & Associates presented the 2024-25 district demographic study. This is the third year that RSP & Associates have provided an enrollment analysis for the district. Based on the analysis of the data collected, student enrollment is expected to increase by approximately 230 students over the next 5 years, with the most growth at the K-5 grade levels. With this updated projection, the elementary and middle schools will exceed capacity.
10.B. Data and Systems Analyst Presentation.
Evelyn Watson, Data and Systems Analyst, explained some of her work in ensuring district processes and data are set up for long-term success by standardizing processes and designing infrastructure for consistency, efficiency, and sustainability.
11. Fiscal Resources Items:
12. Operational Support Services Items:
Operational Support Services Items:
12.A. Approve First Reading of New Board Policy GCPB-E(2) - Acknowledgment of Liquidated Damages Form
13. Reports:
13.A. Superintendent:
13.A.1. Legislative Update From Pierre
Superintendent Kevin Case was in Pierre this morning to meet with different Senators on Appropriations. Business Manager Trista Olney will testify tomorrow morning before the Appropriations Committee on SB 6 and SB 16. Both Mr. Case and Ms. Olney will be in Washington DC for the Spring NAFIS Conference and will meet with our congressional at that time.
13.A.2. Inclement Weather.
Superintendent Kevin Case shared information on the cold weather conditions last week.
13.A.3. Parent - Caregiver Survey Update - as of Friday at 4:00, we have had 450 completed responses.
Superintendent Kevin Case gave an update on the Parent/Caregiver Survey process. The next step is to create a Parent Focus Group to review the results of the approximately 450 completed surveys, and then initiate short learning cycles before the end of the school year. Tomorrow administrators will complete the District Services survey.
13.B. Committee Reports From Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
Committee Reports from Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
Amy McGovern attended the Box Elder Area Chamber of Commerce meeting last week. The Mixer tomorrow will include the first annual area recognition of businesses. Ben Frerichs and Amy McGovern will attend the Facilities Master Planning Committee meeting tomorrow afternoon. Ben and Chris Misselt attended the Capital Outlay meeting last week. The 2025-26 Capital Outlay request will come to the Board in March for review and approval. Tonya Welch attended the Booster Club meeting last week via zoom. They are starting to plan post-prom. She also attended the Curriculum Coordinating Council meeting today. Tanya Gray went to Pierre last week for the ASBSD Board meeting and will meet with Black Hills Special Services Cooperative on Wednesday. |
14. Upcoming Calendar Events:
Feb 25 - Facilities Master Planning Committee, 11:45 am March 10 - BOE Meeting, 5:00 pm March 14 - Staff PD, No School for Students March 24 - BOE Meeting, 5:00 pm |
15. Executive Session
16. Action As A Result of Executive Session
17. Adjournment