February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Roll Call/Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance
There were 2 guests from the public present.
2. Consent Agenda
a. Approve the agenda for tonight's meeting
b. Approve the financial reports/claims
c. Approve the minutes of the January 13, 2025 Regular meeting
d. Approve the minutes of the January 22, 2025 Board Workshop
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Amazon Capital Services, 642.38; Amazon Capital Services, 619.82; AT&T, 116.76; K Brogan, 89.46; Callaway District Hospital, 300.00; Callaway Market, 290.90; Callaway True Value, 111.39; Cedar Canyon Carpentry, 849.66; Central NE Bobcat, 335.40; Coach Masters, 40,613.50; Country Partners Cooperative, 3013.33; Custer County Clerk, 344.23; ESU 10, 5747.56; ESU 10, 1720.01; Frontier Home Medical, 60.90; Great Plains Comm, 533.42; Gumdrop Books, 800.00; HireRights Solutions, 244.65; B Jesseph, 81.17; Lathem Time, 646.00; Lincoln Marriott Cornhusker, 110.00; Matheson Tri-Gas, 35.92; Mid-American Research Chemical, 117.46; NASB, 3875.00; NCS Pearson, 74.30; Nebraska Glass Co, 39.95; NRCSA, 100.00; Nebraska Safety Center, 20.00; Norder Supply, 558.69; Quill, 2465.08; REP Fitness, 2398.74; Student Activity Fund, 134.92; Syndicate Publishing, 229.70; Team Physical Therapy, 2263.92; Trumbull Repair, 237.54; US Bank, 91.95; US Bank, 368.90; US Bank, 1768.75; USI, 255.60; Verizon, 77.98; Village of Callaway, 3357.51; Voyager Sopris Learning, 94.50; Wenquist, 892.61; Wenquist, 51.47; Yanda's, 113.00; Bill Total: 76,893.73.
3. Excuse Absent Board Members
4. District Celebrations
5. Correspondence/Guests/Public Comment to the Board of Education
5.1. Charlotte Wise - Transportation Concerns
Charlotte Wise had asked to be put on the agenda to address her concerns about transportation, but she was unable to attend the meeting. There was no other public comment.
6. Principal’s Report
Mrs. Jesseph and Mr. Birkel informed the board of the activities of last month. Mrs. Jesseph highlighted the elementary student attendance numbers and our staff participation in professional development for the month. Mr. Birkel highlighted the accomplishments of our jr. high and high school sports teams and activities. Honor Roll for 1st semester and 2nd quarter, Bobcats of the Month, and Helping Hands were all shared with the board as well.
7. Superintendent’s Report
7.1. Set March BOE Meeting Date & Time
March BOE meeting is set for March 10, 2025 at 8:00 PM.
7.2. School Cleanliness and School Pride
Mr. Furrow shared a memo with the board that he sent to the staff about room cleanliness and organization and reported that he would start to have one-on-one meetings with individuals that he felt needed to work on their space to make the school cleaner and run more efficiently. He also emphasized that a clean space is a big part of building school pride among the staff, students, and the public.
7.3. Roof Quote
Mr. Furrow shared a quote from Prairie View roofing for them to secure the mini-split units that are on the roof. This will protect the units from windstorms. Mr. Furrow also shared that Mr. Hrupek and his metal shop kids would work on creating hoods for the units to protect them from hail.
7.4. Legislative Review
Mr. Furrow shared updates on 4 legislative bills that have potential impacts on school financing. None of the bills appear to have a significant impact on Callaway's funding. Mr. Furrow also discussed with the board concerns over the potential closing of the federal department of education. As it stands at this point, the funding has been allotted by congress for federal programs like Title I and IDEA., so there should not be any interruption in schools accessing these funds. There may be some changes in how these funds are audited at the federal level and which departments will pick up the different responsibilities. There is no way at this point to predict the long-range impact of these changes.
7.5. Option Enrollment Bus Discussion
Mr. Furrow opened a discussion with the board about the potential of sending a bus to neighboring districts if there was a significant interest in students optioning into the Callaway school system. The board weighed the pros and the cons of an influx of students. Mr. Furrow pointed out that it would take at least 23 extra students before the district would realize a financial benefit from the bus option, because of our current option enrollment numbers.
7.6. Rule 10 Violation
Mr. Furrow reported to the board that the school was in violation of Rule 10 section 007.04 Library Media Specialist properly certified. Mr. Furrow also informed the board that the school had submitted a plan of correction and that the NDE had accepted that plan, so the school is back in compliance with Rule 10.
7.7. Committee Meeting Discussion
Mr. Furrow discussed upcoming committee meetings for policy, buildings and grounds, and personnel.
7.8. Policy Book Update
Mr. Furrow shared information obtained from Jim Luebbe, NASB's policy writer, about the NASB master policy book and the board discussed a plan for updating the Callaway policy book.
8. Committee/AD/IPM Reports
9. Past Business (Discussion Items)
10. Past Business (Action Items)
10.1. First Interstate Bank CD
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. New Business (Discussion Items)
12. New Business (Action Items)
12.1. Roof Quote
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.2. Food Service Transfer
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.3. Reallocation of Depreciation Funds
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
These depreciation funds were originally earmarked for updating the transportation fleet. This change was made to help the school finance renovations in the kitchen.
13. Board Report
14. Executive Session*
15. Personnel
16. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM.