January 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Organizational & Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Organizational Meeting Roll Call/Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance
Called to order at 7:00 PM.
Board Members: T.R. Anderson, Jim Phelps, Rebecca Eggleston, Mike Reiff, Rhonda Pandorf, and Liana Hrupek -- All Present CPS Staff - Tiana Bonde (recorder), Brittany Jesseph (Elementary Principal), Heath Birkel (Secondary Principal), and J.D. Furrow (Superintendent) There were 3 guests present. |
2. Election of Officers - The Superintendent shall assume chairmanship of the meeting for the purpose of electing a board president
2.1. President
Liana Hrupek nominated Mike Reiff for School Board President, Rhonda Pandorf seconded the motion. Nominations were closed and Mr. Reiff was elected president on a 6-0 vote.
2.2. Vice President
Liana Hrupek nominated Rhonda Pandorf to be Vice-President of the Board, the nomination was seconded by Rebecca Eggleston. Nominations were closed and Rhonda was elected vice-president on a 6-0 vote.
2.3. Secretary
Rhonda Pandorf nominated Liana Hrupek to be the school board secretary, the nomination was seconded by Rebecca Eggleston. Nominations were closed and Liana was elected on a 6-0 vote.
2.4. Treasurer
Rhonda Pandorf nominated Jim Phelps to be school board treasurer, the nomination was seconded by Rebecca Eggleston. Nominations were closed and Jim was elected to be board treasurer on a 6-0 vote.
3. Appoint Board Committees
Mr. Mike Reiff led discussion about the changes in committee appointment that were reviewed in the October meeting. There was also discussion about the what the duties of the committees would be and who might be interested in the committee assignments. After discussion the following committees were assigned: Transportation/Buildings and Grounds - Jim Phelps, TR Anderson, and Mike Reiff; Curriculum/Adult Education/Americanism/and Multiculturalism - Rebecca Eggleston, Liana Hrupek, and Rhonda Pandorf; Personnel -- Rhonda Pandorf, Liana Hrupek, and Rebecca Eggleston; South Loup Co-op - Rhonda Pandorf and TR Anderson; Negotiations - Jim Phelps, Rebecca Eggleston, and Mike Reiff; Policy - TR Anderson, Jim Phelps, and Rebecca Eggleston
3.1. Transportation/Building & Grounds
3.2. Curriculum/Adult Education/Americanism/Multiculturalism
3.3. Personnel
3.4. South Loup Co-op
3.5. Negotiations
3.6. Policy
4. New Business (Action Items)
4.1. Appoint Perry, Guthery, Hasse, and Gessford PC, LLO as Official District Legal Counsel
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.2. Appoint Official Secretary of the Board
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.3. Appoint Nebraska State Bank & Trust Co as Official Depository for All District Funds
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.4. Appoint Callaway Courier as Official District Newspaper
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.5. Appoint Superintendent as Authorized Representative for Federal Funds
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.6. Appoint Superintendent as District Non-discrimination Compliance Coordinator
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.7. Appoint Superintendent as District Title IX Coordinator
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5. Conflict of Interest Form
The school is now required to have signed conflict of interest forms from each board member on file.
6. Adjourn Organizational Meeting
The Callaway Public School Board organizational meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
7. Roll Call/Call to Order
The regular board meeting for Callaway Public Schools for January 13th, 2025 was called to order at 7:20 p.m.
All board members were in attendance. |
8. ↵ ↵Consent Agenda
a. Approve the agenda for tonight's meeting
b. Approve the financial reports/claims
c. Approve the minutes of the December 9, 2024 Regular meeting
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr Furrow highlighted that the Boxlights interactive screens were on this months bills. The screens were paid for with REAP funds.
4 County Heating & Air, 3577.00; Amazon Capital Services, 659.31; AT&T, 119.81; Callaway District Hospital, 130.00; Callaway True Value, 546.14; Cedar Canyon Carpentry, 2083.13; Country Partners Cooperative, 3789.32; Dawson Co Election Board, 100.00; Eakes Office, 1557.83; Egan Supply, 1241.49; ESU 10; 8633.82; ESU 10, 913.24; Farritor Auto Parts, 50.00; Friesen Chevrolet, 376.36; H Furrow, 41.25; Global Industrial, 971.97; Great Plains Comm, 476.89; Grocery Kart, 134.92; Highstreet Insurance Services, 100.00; JW Pepper, 68.99; B Johnson, 154.26; Kansas City Audio-Visual, 35,190.43; Matheson Tri-Gas, 35.92; NCS Pearson, 13.30; NCSA, 120.00; Nebraska Glass Co, 79.90; NE Safety & Fire Equipment, 225.00; NE Safety Center, 250.00; Norder Supply, 12,389.00; Perry, Guthery, Haase & Gessford, 757.25; Petty Cash Box, 20.00; Quill, 190.13; Sparq Data Solutions, 4000.00; Syndicate Publishing, 103.07; Team PT, 1752.36; Trotter Service, 401.24; US Bank, 501.17; US Bank, 368.88; US Bank, 565.27; Verizon, 76.14; Village of Callaway, 3745.97, Wenquist, 216.96; Yanda's, 49.00; Bill Total: 86,776.72. Fixed Payroll: 101,694.61; Total Payroll: 212,399.33. |
9. Excuse Absent Board Members
There were no absent board members.
10. District Celebrations
11. Correspondence/Guests/Public Comment to the Board of Education
There were no members of the public present to address the board.
12. Principal’s Report
Mr. Birkel and Mrs. Jesseph shared the student happenings from the last month with the board. The principals shared the most recent attendance statistics for the students, which continues to be very strong. Mrs. Jesseph shared professional development activities for our staff members and Mr. Birkel presented photos of many of the activities our kids have participated in this past month, highlighted by the Christmas fun.
13. Superintendent’s Report
13.1. Set Date & Time for February Meeting
The next regular meeting of the board will be February 10th, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the library of Callaway Public Schools. The public is welcome to attend and an agenda is kept current and available for all Callaway School Board meetings during regular business hours and with reasonable notice.
13.2. January Board Workshop Date & Time
A special board workshop was set for January 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the library of Callaway Public Schools.
13.3. Powerschool Data Breach
Mr. Furrow informed the board that PowerSchool had experienced a data breach. It appears that our data was not taken and PowerSchool will be helping with appropriate messaging for our staff and patrons.
13.4. ALICAP Visit Review
Mr. Furrow debriefed the board about the facilities audit by our loss control consultant from ALICAP. The were some minor areas to consider in improving the safety of our buildings and grounds, but overall our staff has done a great job of keeping our school safe.
13.5. Superintendent Contract Negotiation
The board and Mr. Furrow discussed the extension of his superintendent contract for another year (2025-2027). There was also discussion on Mr. Furrow's salary for the 2025-26 school year. Mr. Furrow's new contract will begin July 1st, 2025.
13.6. Teacher Shortage
Mr. Furrow shared the most recent teacher shortage information with the board. The number of unfilled opening is down almost 300 teachers this year. Mr. Furrow shared this is a direct result of all the alternative pathways for teachers to become certified that have been implemented recently.
13.7. CD Rates & Options
Mr. Furrow and Mrs. Tiana Bonde shared CD rates from First Interstate Bank. The school has a $50,000 CD that will be maturing in February and is in discussion about whether to re-invest the CD or cash it out when it matures.
13.8. Spring Semester Goals
Mr. Furrow shared his 2nd semester goals with the board and emphasized supporting staff and getting to know our students as his main priorities.
13.9. Land Update
Mr. Furrow updated the board on communications about the land acquisition by the bus barn. The transition of ownership is being held up because of the state the seller is in.
13.10. Discussion on Signatories
No changes necessary.
14. Committee/AD/IPM Reports
15. Past Business (Discussion Items)
16. Past Business (Action Items)
16.1. Approve Water Softener Quote from Culligan
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The board reviewed the quote for installation of a water softening system for the school from Culligan. There was discussion about preparing the boiler room for the addition of a water softening system.
17. New Business (Discussion Items)
18. New Business (Action Items)
18.1. Boys' Locker Room ADA Renovation
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Furrow informed the board that we needed to re-word a previous motion to make sure the boy's locker room would be included in the approved renovation expenses. The girl's locker room was originally approved for up to $35,000 and came in at $21,000. The renovation of the boy's locker room should be similar.
18.2. Approve Special Services Contract with ESU #10 for the 2025-2026 school year
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Birkel and Mrs. Jesseph informed the board of some concerns about the service being provided by the LMHP and also shared some positive impact from that service. In the end it was decided to continue using ESU 10 for the following services: School Psychology, Special Education Administrative Supports, Occupational Therapy, Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP), and Audio/visual supports should they be needed.
18.3. Superintendent Contract
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Furrow shared an array of area schools superintendent pay. The average was in the mid-$140,000, but this average included some bigger schools. (Gothenburg, Cozad, and Broken Bow). If you removed those schools from the array the average superintendent salary was in the mid-$130,000. Mr. Furrow asked the board to consider $145,000 for the 2025-26 school year. The board was complimentary of Mr. Furrow and Mr. Furrow shared with the board the value in a great administrative team and teaching staff.
19. Board Report
The board discussed upcoming NASB events and scheduling of upcoming board committee meetings.
20. Executive Session*
21. Personnel
22. Adjournment
The board meeting was adjourned at 8:48 p.m.