May 26, 2015 at 9:00 AM - Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Meetings Law posting
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Approval of Minutes
7. Discussion regarding contracts with GIS Workshop for Assessor, Clerk, Emergency Manager, and Planning & Zoning
8. Discuss/Approve ~ Permits
8.1. Driveway Permits
8.2. Clean Silt Permits
8.3. Occupy County Right-of-Way
9. Discussion with Robert Wulf regarding Sections 13 & 14, Belle Prairie Township
10. Discussion regarding storage space with school
11. Discuss/Approve ~ Declare slope meter surplus
12. Discuss/Approve ~ 2015 Fracture Critical Bridge Inspection Agreement with State of Nebraska
13. Discussion regarding purchasing a Retro-Reflectometer in 2015/2016
14. Discussion of Road Dept. issues
15. Discuss/Approve ~ Rural Transit Agreement
16. Blue Valley Community Action annual report and budget request
17. Discuss/Approve ~ Fiala Subdivision
18. Discussion regarding becoming a "Community Partner"
19. Discussion regarding Health Insurance with NACO Benefits Group
20. Discussion regarding third floor remodeling
21. Discuss/Approve ~ Health Insurance for 2015/2015
22. Discuss/Approve ~ Claims
23. Discussion regarding East Office Building/Old Hospital