January 9, 2025 at 9:05 PM - Fillmore County Board of Supervisors Reorgatization Meeting
Minutes |
1. Open Reorganization Meeting - Temporary Chairperson
2. Nominations for Chairperson
3. Election for Chairperson
4. Nominations for Vice Chairperson
5. Election of Vice Chairperson
6. Official Bank Depositories
7. Authorized Investments
8. Deposit of Surplus Funds
9. Securities Committee
10. Claims Approval
11. Purchasing supplies and equipment
12. Legal Newspaper and Website
13. Appoint Public Health Board
14. Road reports to Supervisors
15. Representative for Region V Board
16. County Physician
17. Representative for Fillmore County Hospital Board
18. Representative to Fillmore County Development Corp.
19. Representative for Blue Valley Community Action Board
20. Representative for RC & D
21. Representative for SENDD Board
22. Appointment of Appointed Officials
23. Appoint Highway Superintendent
24. Appoint County Clerk to authorize Special Designated License
25. NIRMA Contact person
26. Mileage Rate
27. Authorize Preapproval of payroll and Etc.
28. Authorize Chairperson to sign Form 8038-CP for Hospital Build America Bonds
29. Discussion regarding Axon cameras for new vehicles
30. Adjourn