February 18, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Beatrice Regular City Council Meeting
Minutes | ||
3.a. Approve agenda as submitted.
3.b. Receive and place on file all notices pertaining to this meeting.
3.c. Receive and place on file all materials having any bearing on this meeting.
3.d. Approval of minutes of regular meeting on February 3, 2025, as on file in the City Clerk's Office.
3.e. Approval of Treasurer's Report of Claims in the amount of $817,793.30.
3.f. Approval of BASWA Report of Claims in the amount of $604,373.46.
3.g. Approval of Pay Request #1 in the amount of $94,950.00, to Genesis Contracting Group for the BASWA South MSW Landfill Site Entrance Facility project.
3.h. Approval of Pay Request #1 in the amount of $413,999.21, to Pruss Excavation for the BASWA South MSW Landfill Phase IS project.
3.i. Resolution Number 7502 reappointing Larry Ramsey, Cheryl Wirth, Tammy Brown, Sherrie Beekman, and Karla Hopkins to the Beatrice Housing Authority Board.
3.j. Resolution Number 7503 entering into a Hangar Lease with Highrize Aviation, LLC, for the purpose of leasing the Hangar L-1, located at the Beatrice Municipal Airport.
3.k. Resolution Number 7504 granting KWBE, and its designees, permission to serve alcoholic beverages and to sell or offer for sale or peddle goods, wares, or merchandise upon the City Property located in Charles Park and the Carnegie Building on Friday, June 13, 2025, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., as part of their annual celebration event.
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4.a. Presentation of Auditor’s Report and the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ending September 30, 2024 – Abby Dobson, FORVIS
Abby Dobson, Audit Director, FORVIS two items, financial statements.
Alisa ____, worked with City. Abby - thank for allowing to present, kudos to Hannah little sooner than in past before time off spent several weeks onsite, looking through invoices, testing - thank HB & team for preparing for audit & providing documentation throughout the weeks. audit letter - road map - did issue clean, unmodified opinion, within didn't take exception, everyone wants audit conducted ending 9/30/24. responsibility if they are materially correct & governmental auditing standards - also clean, unmodified opinion, no concerns with internal controls etc. no material non compliance of spending of city's federal funding 1 opinion for library, FORVIS does not audit, ted - why? TT - have they are separate entity, city prepares full ACFR, as compared to other entities throughout the state that allows city to apply & have received the GFOA, is intended to be submitted for the 2024. big deal & provides additional policies in note A of financial - accounting policies slide? no new accounting standards adopted this year, however, a number coming up mangement judgment & accounting slide - listed 5 carry estimation, encourage & look at how those estimates are dirived financial statement disclosures - library foundation & tax abatement & ___ ; journal entries - no auditor posted as uncorrected items - identified & discussed with management - no need to be posted within financial statements other financial reporting matters- upcoming gas financial statements - 101 on compensated sick leave, etc., gas up to 104 - ensure appropriately adopted. only one now. Ted - has there been any? HB - 2023 how report leases & IT software Ted - no items questioned, but what would something like that look like? Abby - looked at invoice not required, explained the process on appropriate handling. TEd - does it happen frequently? Abby - it can; HB - had one Mayor - how many transactions? magnatute of work they do, that number would speak volumes in running their financial & making sure we are in solid financial Ted - page v, lists all statistical sections, got to end didn't understand. page 99-100, 2015 to 2024, expenditures have doubled & could spot airport. page 105 - where assessed actual value is ; 109 - debt TT - 99 & 100 - expenses have been at various; personnel changes, no real significant changes, just cost of running city & capital expenses HB - general government - economic development & CDBG run into that fund. different departments, easy to track page 105 - talks about property tax valuation over 10 year time frame, increased all set by county assessor's office; expansion/anexation, no significant most buildings have been tax exempt, come down from decade ago page 112 - ratio bonds - shows all bonds on city side; 1st column property tax valuation, next column tax supported general obligation - $6.2 fire station is big one - next column 0 debt reserve funds - $3.5 mill ratios .38% fairly low comparing how much debt you have compared to ____________; .02 net bonded $287, Norfolk $854.84; not all municipalities have this info. fairly low...both comfortable to be at, not over __________ very little geo bonds at this time. Ted - current on fire dept, where does that ? TT - $2.6 million, sits in bank account, only callable at certain times, can't pay off Mayor - article today - 24 or 25 when truck gets here see big bump, them not producing fire trucks quick enough windfall - finances, lot of important items that get caught up in a mess....TT - were going to issue PSD, but fire truck pushed off 1 year, wait on PSD to have closer to when fire truck will actually arrive. Dana - if costs more, we will have to pay? TT - yes Mayor - ACFR is posted as part of transparency |
4.b. Presentation of Safe Streets & Roads for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan - JEO
postponed until March 3rd
5.a. Public Hearing for the purpose of considering the application of REZ, LLC, dba Cheapest Damn Butts and Booze, 116 North 8th Street, Beatrice, Nebraska, for a Class D liquor license.
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TT - safe streets for all presentation, pushed back to 3/3 not coming from OMaha
Under Oath Chet - no issues from zoning, also have another facility within same block no negative effect in the area Moss - nothing found on Lori that would prohibit issuance Lori - has 3 other buisnesses |
6.a. Resolution Number 7505 adopting the Safe Streets & Roads for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan.
7.a. Ordinance authorizing the issuance by the City of Beatrice, Nebraska of its Combined Utilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2025, in aggregate principal amount not to exceed $5,000,000, as recommended by the Board of Public Works.
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bpw issuing utility bonds this year. passed reimbursement resolution, purchased water dept jet truck $500,000 & WPC has ordered jet truck $500,000 & Electric has approx $4 million in substation rebuild & feeder lines. will all be paid with existing utility revenue bond.
take bond payments & split 80/10/10 they will pay off their debt - 10 year issuance |
9.a. City Administrator’s Monthly Report.
airport taxiway - kickoff meeting last week, march 24 start date, will redo taxiways, can drive from hangars to runway without making a turn, will correct that part of design, has been that way
RCRP - playground grant, procurement & covenants, working with register of deeds & DED how they want them listed thank you to essential police fire street, dispatch, garbage, all thankless jobs, water, wpc, landfill, many who have to operate in this weather, thank you to them Eskra - SPP, anything new with cold weather? TT - no, weather warning, 7 different issues, in middle, not to point asking anyone to reduce energy, etc. not asked for any conservation Eskra - price? TT - cottonwood were high yesterday afternoon, but no outlandish as we saw couple years ago. previously saw $2000 - no where near that Ted - 4 legislative bills following, only 1 out of committee, are we collectively needing to take stand on? TT - 117 - eliminate sales tax on electric sales, did on water, argument is cost city quarter million - general funds 179 - increase police officer retirement from 7 to 9% - rather significant number also out of general fund 357 - eliminate equalization funds - first class cities - where fall on levy - if above state tax levy - we receive $1 mill - others receive $0 - but those who have low property taxes have sales tax - they want to 526 - introduced on behalf of governor - 2.5 cent on - tax on they will likely shut down - came here cuz we were low costs for energy - would be significant tax for them - may see number get reduced to a number they could live with. watching to see what is going on with them. can bring back here to take stand one way or another - we stay in contact with league Hydo - sales tax on 526?? Eskra - significant users throughout the state, should have pushback correct? TT - issue is not all city's have, depends upon where energy is, look at lower population. lot of dataminers are doing AI etc. - Mayor - follow up - will see if we can wrap up march 17th strategic plan back...let know if not owrk. |
10.a. The next regular City Council meeting is March 3, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room. There will be a work session on March 17, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room.
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