January 6, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Beatrice Regular City Council Meeting
Minutes | ||
3.a. Approve agenda as submitted.
3.b. Receive and place on file all notices pertaining to this meeting.
3.c. Receive and place on file all materials having any bearing on this meeting.
3.d. Approval of minutes of regular meeting on December 16, 2024, as on file in the City Clerk’s Office.
3.e. Approval of Treasurer's Report of Claims in the amount of $1,212,156.83.
3.f. Approval of BASWA Report of Claims in the amount of $150,899.01.
3.g. Resolution Number 7478 executing the Agreement Renewal to Maintenance Agreement No. 4 with the Nebraska Department of Transportation for the period of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025, as recommended by the Board of Public Works.
3.h. Resolution Number 7479 appointing Mike McLain as the Beatrice City Council representative on the NGage Board of Directors.
3.i. Resolution Number 7480 executing the Agreement with Creative Empire, LLC, d/b/a Mango Languages, for Mango Languages to provide digital language-learning services platform for foreign languages, English as a Second Language (ESL), and American Sign Language (ASL) to the Beatrice Public Library.
3.j. Resolution Number 7481 executing the Small Municipal and County Government Enterprise Agreement between the City and Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., (ESRI) to provide ArcGIS services.
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Doyle thanked NGage group, board & staff for dealing with him, good government to have turnover. thanked for time served.
5.a. Resolution Number 7482 executing an Agreement with Radiant Tech, LLC, as recommended by the Board of Public Works.
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data center on south side of industrial, 1 year contract, 6 mo operations, tweaked agreement - estimated costs, final cost has been updated & paid over 3 years. large customer deposit, will receive interest earned annually.
5.b. Resolution Number 7483 executing any and all documents necessary to place restrictive covenants upon portions of Froberry Park, Chautauqua Park, the Lincoln Elementary School Site, and the Stoddard Elementary School Site, for the purposes of carrying out the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED) Rural Community Recovery Program (RCRP) Grant 23-RCRP-039.
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part of the grant, state requires convenants on ground to improve with money. state have to within 20 years for public feature. what if have additional money & site, want all done now. chatuaqua park, will not be on entire park, does not have legal. Lincoln site will not know legal until final plat. stoddard is plotted, if additional funds may look to add additional locations.
Doyle - will Lincoln site similar to plans? TT - yes, no changes Hydo - will they allow to make changes if needed? TT - Hydo - cedar may be best place for an additional playground. would like to have one on other side of highway |
5.c. Resolution Number 7484 executing the Agreement for Professional Services retaining JEO to develop a grading plan for the detention cell near Ashland Avenue and Sargent Street.
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MS4 community - stormwater find ways to detain & clean prior to being deposited into big blue river. regional detention cells. have had a couple studies, one at bottom by biodiesel plant, other sargent & ashland, currently one there, will determine how large this pond needs to be, will look to re plat the lots around the pond & sell off land
Ted - pond that already exists, industrial park slopes off there. will we just need one more, by accuma or will we need an additional & if more, why not do it while doing this. TT - study showed we need 1 more. reason we have not done it yet, is cost. other people needing additional dirt, we allow them to take from there. |
5.d. Resolution Number 7485 executing the General Release, Request for Reconveyance, and the Deed of Reconveyance, along with any and all necessary documents to release and discharge Jason J. Hartig and Jessica L. Hartig, as part of the Downtown Revitalization Program and CDBG Grant 23-DTR-002.
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next go together, approved as part of 2023, went through envi review, when went back to contractor, their contractor backed out. found another & they had price increase, in order to do that easiest to release first & sign new loan agreement, etc, first releases existing that no money was received on, then grant a new loan for new amount.
5.e. Resolution Number 7486 executing the Loan Agreement, Promissory Note, Personal Guaranty, and Deed of Trust between the City of Beatrice and Jason J. Hartig and Jessica L. Hartig, for a direct loan in the amount of Seventy-Two Thousand One Hundred Ninety-Eight Dollars ($72,198.00) from the City’s CDBG Downtown Revitalization Grant 23-DTR-002.
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Eskra first one? TT - $44??
5.f. Resolution Number 7487 executing the Service Agreement and any and all other documents necessary to retain Modern HR Collaborative, LLC, for strategic planning services for the Mayor and City Council.
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council has discussed holding a strategic planning, steph ledbetter to facilitate strategic planing for council for $3500. Still working on dates, times, will get information out when availab.e
5.g. Resolution Number 7488 executing the Agreement for Professional Services retaining Mid-State Engineering and Testing conduct two (2) borings each at the Paddock Lane and Lincoln School sites.
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redevleopment of sites, take a couple boring samples, JEo received 3 quotes, recommended Mid-State, timeline was shortest as well. 2 boring at each site.
8.a. End of Year Review.
13th street completed had been on list for some time
city aud fully utilized gym floor, IT departments, youth center, community pantry, casa as well 0 pantry doing well & doing 1500 more families big blue pet park improvements - shelter, additional playground equipment raise grant secured, at least 10 years $21.3 million 33rd & Lincoln project, turned out well LIncoln & Paddock redevelopment plans hannibal park - largest economic drivers, parking lot, sponsorship, pinnacle bank stepped up big now powered by Pin Drainage studies grant funds & completed studies city hall generator - had been on a couple years, fire station moved out, relocated to CIty Hall to operate city hall, PD, CIty Hall, FD, can continue city functions, Install Fiber to every home - at least 10 years, partnered with Pinpoint Acquisition of Paddock Kensington - partnered with Main Street, working with Hoppe develometn to redevelop the project. employees showing community pride. lots of good steps moving forward Mayor - efficiency of street & city employees with large snows, thanked Jason & crew for their time spent. nice feature we have for a smaller communtiy |
9.a. The next regular City Council meeting is January 20, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room. There will be a work session on January 20, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room
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