October 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Open the Meeting
1.1. Call to Order and Roll Call
1.1.1. Consider Excusing of Absent Board Members
1.2. Recognize Posting of the Open Meetings Act
President Jones referred to the Open Meeting Laws/Act.
1.3. Approval of Agenda
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2. Consent Agenda
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2.1. Approve the minutes of previous meeting(s)
2.2. Approve the Treasurers Report
2.3. Approve the General Fund Claims
2.4. Approve the Activity Fund Account
3. Public Comment on Agenda Items
4. Administrator Reports
4.1. Elementary Principal Report
Mr. Shivlely reported 98% attendance for parent teacher conferences. They are working on a teammates grant to receive a reading book vending machine. He gave the board SPED numbers and information to review for discussion at the November board meeting.
4.2. Secondary Principal Report
In Mr. Caffertys report he congratulated Girls golf for receiving 5th place at state. One act is starting. Sutton sent 10 FFA students to nationals. He is continuing to work on information and bids for security cameras, exterior doors, and parking lot lighting. PT conferences were 69.5% for High School.
4.3. Superintendent Report
Mr. Best organized the State Conference schedule for the board. He will put security, parking lot lights, and doors on the November agenda. We have lots of dates for Superintendent hiring process.
5. Action Items
5.1. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Establish an Open Line of Credit for Mustang Media
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When there is 'conflict of Interest' with people on the board, auditors suggest establishing a line of credit with the company.
5.2. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Establish an Open Line of Credit for Aspegren Repair
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6. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Amend Policy 6035 Athletic Participation by Sixth Graders
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Only 9 kids out for jr high basketball. Discussion ensued on letting 6th graders participate in practice only.
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Appoint Board Member as NASB Delegate
Jimmy was appointed the NASB delegate for Sutton School Board.
7.2. Discussion Regarding Contents of Future Superintendent Contract
The board reviewed and discussed an example of a contract for a future superintendent.
7.3. Additional Endorsement Exam Fees
Due to the teacher shortage, the State is offering a program for teachers to earn an endorsement if they pass the praxis test in that subject. The board discussed reimbursing the cost of the test to the teacher. ($130-$200).
7.4. Superintendent Evaluation
The superintendent evaluation will be sent out.
8. Adjournment
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