May 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Open the meeting
1.1. Call to Order and Roll Call
1.2. Open Meetings Act
President Jones referred to Open Meeting Laws/Act.
1.3. Status of Absent Board Members
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1.4. Approval of Agenda
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2. Approve the minutes of the previous meetings
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3. Approve the Treasurer's Report
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4. Approve the General Fund Claims
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5. Approve the Activity Fund Account
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6. Approve the Special Building Fund Claim
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7. Public Comment
One person spoke regarding college classes
8. Administrator Reports
Mr. Shively reported the elementary schedule is finished for fall. Teachers received training on CKLA and Apptegy. Mr. Cafferty reported that he is preparing handbooks for 2024-25 school year. Apptegy will go live June 3rd. This will be a website and app for communication with parents and public. Teachers/coaches can communicate through Apptegy with students/parents about assignments, practices, games, meets, etc. Cafferty also pointed out the car parking changes in the parking lot. He said it went really well after training students on organization and parking practice. In Dr. Wiseman's report, the board will receive the preliminary budget at the June regular meeting. The roof project, shot clock, theater ceiling painting will start soon. Hiring update. Open positions are Spanish and 2 cook positions. Staffing is an issue to initiate town stops again, but advertising continues. Title IX regs are changing. She is finishing all reporting and claiming state/federal monies.
9. New Business
9.1. Presentation of multicultural reports by Elementary and Secondary Principals.
The Multicultural Report was given by the principals.
9.2. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve ESU 9 Supplementary Service Contracts for the 2024-2025 school year.
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9.3. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve ALICAP (All Lines Inter-local Cooperative Aggregate Pool) as the District's Insurance carrier.
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EMC declined our coverage for 24-25 school year. ALICAP is a program of NASB, info was sent via email. The board discussed options for coverage.
10. Personnel
10.1. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve Brad Best as Interim Superintendent for 2024-2025.
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10.2. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Cole Williams as Cafeteria Worker for the 2024-2025 school year.
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10.3. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Shelli Mohnike as Head Varsity Volleyball Coach for 2024-2025 school year.
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10.4. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Jesse Gwennap as a Sr. High Football coach for the 2024-2025 season.
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10.5. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Steve Spongberg as a Sr. High Football coach for the 2024-2025 season.
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11. Adjourn Meeting
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