May 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Open the meeting
1.1. Call to Order and Roll Call
1.2. Open Meetings Act
President Jones referred to the Open Meeting Laws/Act.
1.3. Status of Absent Board Members
1.4. Approval of Agenda
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2. Approve the minutes of the previous meetings
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3. Approve the Treasurer's Report
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4. Approve the General Fund Claims
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5. Approve the Activity Fund Account
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6. Approve the Special Building Fund Claim
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7. Public Comment
8. Administrator Reports
Mr. Shivley-Step up day was a success. The master schedule for elementary needs a few more tweaks but is pretty much the same as last year. Preschool will attend PE and music once a week. Mr. Vance-Graduation was a success. Finals are underway and NSCAS finished on time. Dr. Wiseman-End of year teacher reception Tuesday 2:15, No work session in June. School lunch survey results from 3rd-12th grade and will be brainstorming ideas for improvement. Conflict of interest form for board members that have family working for the school. Addendum for HS principal contract. Theater lights will be installed July-August. The preliminary budget will be coming next month for the board to review.
9. New Business
9.1. Presentation on Preschool Curriculum for 2023-2024.
Tessa Parrish and Mr. Shively presented to the board what a preschool day will look like next year. It will be play-based teaching with the new curriculum. Mrs. Parrish gave examples of how she will evaluate kids during play and activities.
9.2. Presentation of multicultural reports by Elementary and Secondary Principals.
A presentation was give to show we are in compliance with Rule 10.
9.3. Board Development Series video presentation by KSB School Law on Handling Complaints/Individual Board Member Authority.
The board watched a 10 minute video from KSB Law on confidentiality, handling complaints, board/superintendent roles, individual board member liability for board development.
9.4. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve the side letter agreement to the 2023-24 Negotiated Agreement with the addition of Educator's Rising Student Organization to the extra duty schedule as agreed on by the Sutton Education Association and Sutton Public School Board.
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9.5. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve reviewed Board Policy Series, 1000 and 2000.
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Board Policies were discussed and edited at the last work session.
9.6. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve ESU 9 Supplementary Service Contracts for the 2023-2024 school year.
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The board reviewed the ESU 9 Supplementary contracts. These are the budgetary numbers for media and technology services with an on-call basis.
9.7. Review 3000 Series Board Policy.
The board reviewed and edited the 3000 series policies to fit the district.
10. Personnel
10.1. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Hannah Sandoz as Special Education Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year.
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10.2. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve Jeanette Althouse as a .3 FTE Agriculture Ed Teacher.
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Jeanette Althouse will step in as a .3 FTE Ag Ed teacher until a teacher is found. Dr. Wiseman will continue to post for the FFA/Ag teacher job.
10.3. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Shelli Mohnike as Head Varsity Volleyball Coach for 2023-2024 school year.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.4. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Jesse Gwenup as a Sr. High Football coach for the 2023-2024 season.
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10.5. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Steve Spongberg as a Sr. High Football coach for the 2023-2024 season.
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10.6. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve Gwenda Mau as the FFA Advisor for 2023-2024 school year or until a certified staff member is hired.
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Gwenda Mau will step in as the FFA advisor until a certified FFA advisor is found.
10.7. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Rick Rapp as a 1.0 FTE bus driver for 2023-2024 school year.
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11. Adjourn Meeting
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