February 20, 2023 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Open the meeting
1.1. Call to Order and Roll Call
1.2. Open Meetings Act
President Jones referred to the Open Meeting Laws/Act.
1.3. Status of Absent Board Members
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1.4. Approval of Agenda
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2. Approve the minutes of the previous meetings
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3. Approve the Treasurer's Report
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4. Approve the General Fund Claims
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5. Approve the Activity Fund Account
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5.1. Mustang Media claim
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6. Public Comment
No public comment
7. Administrator Reports
Mr. Shivley reported that ELPA testing is underway and showed the board MAPS scores. Mr. Vance discussed MAPS results and pre-registration with numbers in each class. Pre-ACT and ACT tests are coming up for the Sophomores and Juniors. UNK will use the SPS facility for Drivers Ed this summer. Sutton Honors Society induction will be February 28th. Dr. Wiseman updated the board on current legislation. There will be senators reception at Westside schools. Ginny will be presenting next month on transportation. Dr. Wiseman discussed the 4 snowdays used. She proposed adding one back April 10th. This will be discussed at the next board meeting.
8. New Business
8.1. Presentation by KSB School Law Firm, Karen Haase.
KSB School Law Firm, Karen Hasse led a PowerPoint presentation and answered questions on open meeting laws.
8.2. Discussion on 2023-2024 projected Enrollment/Course Enrollment, Elementary and Secondary.
For 2023-24 elementary will continue with 1 section of 6th grade and 2 sections of grades K-5.
8.3. Discussion on 2023 summer facility and grounds projects.
Mr Shively reported to the board that he has been directing high school traffic leaving the parking lot after school. It has helped with the safety of our students. Dr. Wiseman will keep looking for bus drivers. Dr. Wiseman will bring in Yanda's and Heartland scenic Studios at March work session. They will each bring a quote and present on upgrading the lighting and sound in the theater as a summer project.
8.4. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve Foreign Exchange Student, Jirapinya Prasertsri from Thailand.
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9. Personnel
9.1. Staff Resignation- Susan Spongberg
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The board appreciates Sue Spongeburg for her many years of service to SPS and wishes her luck in her retirement.
9.2. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Jason Cafferty as Jr/Sr High Principal for 2023-2024 school year.
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9.3. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Makyah Wagoner, Special Education Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year.
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9.4. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Megan Knuth, Special Education Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year.
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9.5. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Kaylee Fitzke, Family and Consumer Science Teacher/ FCCLA Advisor for the 2023-2024 school year.
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10. Adjourn Meeting
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