January 16, 2023 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Open the meeting
1.1. Call to Order and Roll Call
1.2. Open Meetings Act
President Jones referred to the Open Meeting Laws/Act.
1.3. Status of Absent Board Members
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1.4. Approval of Agenda
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2. Induction of Board Members
Jerry Overturf, Jolene Griess, and Mike Zoucha took the Board Member Oath
3. Approve the minutes of the previous meeting
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4. Approve the Treasurer's Report
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5. Approve the General Fund Claims
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6. Approve the Activity Fund Account
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6.1. Mustang Media claims
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7. Approve the Special Building Fund Claim
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8. Reorganization of the Board
8.1. Nominations for President
8.1.1. Board President Official
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8.2. Nominations for Vice President
8.2.1. Board Vice President Official
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8.3. Nominations for Secretary
8.3.1. Board Secretary Official
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8.4. Appoint School District Treasurer
Erin Huber was appointed Board Treasurer for 2023.
8.5. Set salary for the District Secretary and Treasurer
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A discussion on raising the salary to $900 for Secretary and Treasurer.
8.6. Designate Clay County News, Hastings Tribune, and Omaha World Herald as Publisher for School District
Clay County News, Hastings Tribune, and Omaha World Herald were appointed Publishers for SPS.
8.7. Appoint Committees
Americanism-All B&G-Teryl Andersen, Brent Mau, Jimmy Jones Curriculum-Jolene Griess, Brent Mau, Mike Zoucha Finance-Teryl Andersen, Jimmy Jones, Jerry Overturf Negotiations-Jolene Griess, Teryl Andersen, Jerry Overturf Policy-All SEF-Mike Zoucha |
9. Public Comment
10. Administrator Reports
Mr. Shively-Maps growth testing in progress. Teacher inservice-CSI work-8 committees worked on smart goals,
Mr. Vance-115 students on the honor roll, Social Studies honored MLK day, Juniors participated in the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test. It gives students ideas on careers they might be interested in based on their skills. ELPA testing is open for English learners this week Dr. Wiseman-ESU 9 is coordinating an 'Emerging educators workshop' Grades 9-12. The goal is to identify students interested in education in the area and 'grow our own' to help with teacher shortages. Interviews for a High School Principle are next week will need a few people from the board to help. Summer project status-still trying to figure out a way to make pick-up safer for students and parents in the parking lots or hire a bus driver to solve the problem. She will run ads again in the newspaper for bus drivers. She will be getting 2 quotes to replace lights and sound in the theater. Bus quotes were available and discussed. |
11. New Business
11.1. Discussion on Community Engagement Meeting, January 10th, 2023, by Jamie Bergen.
Jaime Bergen reported on the Community Engagement Multicultural Night held January 10th, 2023. 17-25 people from the community were in attendance. Also in attendance were student reps, the Multicultural team, All administration and Migrant education reps. Childcare was provided by Honor Society and Student Council . Kari Stevens (NASB) led the meeting. Attendees were separated into groups and given 4 questions to discuss. Jaime stated that it was a great meeting and the groups had meaningful discussions. The results of the 4 questions will be compiled and given to the board soon. The board thanked Jaime for leading this effort and would like to keep moving forward in communication with the multicultural families.
11.2. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve Foreign Exchange Student, Emma Hayward from Sweden.
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11.3. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve Foreign Exchange Student, Lisa Christensen from Denmark.
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11.4. Presentation, discussion, and/or official action to approve the Teacher Negotiated Agreement for 2023-2024.
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11.5. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve 2023-2024 School Calendar
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11.6. Discussion on School Board Self-Evaluation.
12. Personnel
12.1. Presentation, discussion and/or official action to approve Megan Klenke as 7-12 Social Science Teacher for 2023-2024 school year.
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13. Adjournment
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