September 8, 2014 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Calling the Meeting to Order
2. Prayer
3. Comments from the Public
4. Communications from Administration
4.A. Presentation of Diabetes Funding Check - Commissioner Mike Pusley
Dr. Almendarez
4.B. Presentation of certificates recognizing Calallen ISD students: CHS Choir Students
Mrs. Felder
5. Unfinished Business
6. New Business
6.A. By Common Consent the Board agrees to consider as one action item the following:
6.A.1. Consider approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 11, 2014; Public Hearing and Special Meeting of August 25, 2014
6.A.2. Consider approval of Bills and Warrants as of August 31, 2014
6.A.3. Consider approval of resolution sanctioning 4-H as an extra-curricular activity for Kleberg-Kenedy County for 2014-2015 and approving Extension Agents as Adjunct Staff Members
6.A.4. Consider approval of Drug Free Workplace Plan for 2014-2015
6.B. Consider approval of District Performance Objectives for 2014-2015
Dr. Danaher
6.C. Consider approval of contract with Achieve 3000 for 2014-2015 school year
Dr. Danaher
6.D. Consider purchase of two school buses for Calallen ISD
Mr. Monroe
6.E. Consider approval of Policy Update 100 affecting LOCAL policies: CPC; CRD; DCB; DCD; DCE; FDA; FL; GBAA; GKB
Mrs. Felder
6.F. Closed Session
Dr. Almendarez
6.G. Consider Personnel resignation and denial of employee's resignation due to "no good cause"
Mrs. Felder
6.H. Consider approval authorizing Administration to file formal complaint with State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) regarding employee abandonment of contract
Mrs. Felder
6.I. Board Training - Self-Assessment (Evaluation Rating)
Dr. Almendarez
7. Adjourn