October 10, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Calling the Meeting to Order
2. Prayer
3. Comments from the Public
4. Communications from Administration
4.A. TBEC Honor Roll Recognition for Calallen East and Wood River Elementary Schools
Dr. Danaher
5. Unfinished Business
6. New Business
6.A. By Common Consent the Board agrees to consider as one action item the following:
6.A.1. Consider approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 12, 2011
6.A.2. Consider approval of Bills and Warrants as of September 30, 2011
6.A.3. Consider approval of certificate recognizing Calallen High School Student: a) CHS Power Lifter
6.A.4. Consider approval of Early Graduation Request
6.A.5. Consider approval of Textbook Committee for 2011-2012
6.A.6. Consider approval of interlocal contract with Harris County Department of Education
6.A.7. Consider approval of changes to Board Policy FFC (LOCAL)
6.A.8. Consider approval of changes to Board Policy DIA (LOCAL)
6.A.9. Consider approval designating Director of Purchasing and Risk Management to serve as Records Management Officer for Calallen ISD
6.A.10. Presentation of Safe and Gun Free School Report 2010-2011
6.B. Discuss and consider possible action on detailed proposal for CHS enclosed batting cage project as submitted by Dickson Builders
Mr. Monroe
6.C. Consider approval of computer purchases for replacement computers
Mr. Brown/Mr. Monroe
6.D. Presentation of Fourth Quarter Investment Report
Mrs. George
6.E. Presentation of Calallen ISD Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (F.I.R.S.T.) 2011 report
Mrs. George
6.F. Consider approval of Campus Performance Objectives for 2011-2012
Dr. Danaher
6.G. Consider approval of Extended Day Program (EDP) Proposals for 2011-2012
Dr. Danaher
6.H. Consider approval of changes to Board Policy EIA (LOCAL)
Dr. Danaher
6.I. Consider approval of resolution to join unicorporated association concerning the Texas school finance system and potential litigation to protect the taxpayers and school children of Texas
Dr. Almendarez
6.J. Closed Session
Dr. Almendarez
6.K. Consider possible Level III Grievance Hearing for CHS Student
Dr. Almendarez
6.L. Personnel - Consider approval of Resignations and Appointments
Dr. Almendarez
7. Adjourn