May 24, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Workshop
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Academics
II.A. Summer School 2022
II.B. SY 2022-2023 High School Course Registration Updates
III. Business/Finance
III.A. Review allowances and reimbursement guidelines
III.B. Gifts & Bequests Report
III.C. Arbiter Sports Agreement(used system-wide for payment of athletic officials); $3,000.00(annually); Line Item 141E71100-499
III.D. Financials
III.E. Purchase Orders
III.E.1. Purchase Order 34420; Frontier Health; School Based Behavior Counselors; Lamar, Grandview, Sulphur Springs, Fall Branch, Boones Creek, Jonesborough Middle (April); $25,454.52; Funded with ELC Grant; Line Item 142E72130399940
III.E.2. Purchase Order 34428; Frontier Health; School Based Behavior Counselors (June); Lamar, Grandview, Sulphur Springs, Fall Branch, Boones Creek, Jonesborough Middle; $25,454.52; Funded with ELC Grant; Line Item 142E72130399940
III.E.3. Purchase Order 34419; Frontier Health; School Based Behavior Counselor; Lamar, Grandview, Sulphur Springs, Fall Branch, Boones Creek, Jonesborough Middle (May); $25,454.52; Funded with ELC Grant; Line Item 142E72130399940
III.E.4. Purchase Order 5174; Gov Connection; Managed Swith(4), Switch Service(4), Managed Switch Aruba(4), Switch Service(4), Aruba10G(8); System-Wide; State Contract TCPNTN; $27,015.88; Line Item 72250499
III.E.5. Purchase Order 5462; Grainger; CNC Router & Accessories; David Crockett High; Cooperative Agreement; $10,649.42; Line Item 71300730
III.E.6. Purchase Order 34339; Grainger; CNC Router & Accessories; David Crockett High; Cooperative Agreement; $39,855.98; Line Item 71300730-800
III.E.7. Purchase Order 5520: Shooters Technology LLC; Training Equipment; David Crockett High NJROTC Program; Sole Source; Reimbursed by U.S. Navy; $22,045.00; Line Item 71100-499-00016
IV. Operations
IV.A. Invoice pertaining to turf projects at Daniel Boone High & David Crockett High
IV.B. Inspire Business Interiors, Recommendation to serve as the provider for New Jonesborough School Furnishings
IV.C. Russ Nelson, Energy Systems Group, Update on HVAC project at the high schools
IV.D. Facilities Update
IV.E. Bids released for Tires & Oil
V. Student Supports
V.A. Discipline Committee updates
VI. Superintendent
VI.A. Updates on New Jonesborough School Building Project & TCAT
VI.B. Boones Creek Athletic Fields Completion
VI.C. BrightRidge Solar Agreement
VI.D. Reconsider Repayment of Rural Debt 2013 in the amount of $720,000.00 to be paid from unrestricted fund balance.
VI.E. July 2022-July 2023 Meeting Calendar
VI.F. Review of Policies
VI.F.1. Discuss possible Personnel (Section 5) policy revisions:
VI.G. Minutes
VI.G.1. May 5, 2022
VI.G.2. May 16, 2022
VII. Adjournment